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Ruler Of War

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Well normally I just ignore and forget but this.... this is just so goddamn annoying dude stfu.


The fact that you find child molestation and child pornography amusing is disturbing.


I would much appreciate it if you took the "pedo"stuff out of your signature. It makes Ghoztcraft look bad and if it weren't for that I wouldn't be typing this asking you to remove it. Basically what im getting at here is I can care less about your signature if it doesn't make Ghoztcraft look bad.


Thank you for understanding.

That makes Ghoztcraft look bad huh? How bout the pictures of dicks added to emocons? Also you say I find child molestation amusing, no I don't and if I did what really could you say? I find it funny that a little bear is actually interested in girls and the faces he makes. Now if you had a problem with me you should have brought it to the flame board instead of being childish and -repping me for a retarded reason like that. Oh also, are you not older than me? What I'm interested in as a teenager does not concern you, MAYBE I'll realize in the future or my attitude may change to the point where I don't find pedobear amusing but in this point in time I find him very amusing and no one or thing is going to change my mind about that fact. Lastly I doubt a bear in a signature is going to scare away the right people one does not change their mind about a place based on one person if that was the case I wouldn't live period. Oh and I won't bother -repping you back hell I'll +rep you letting you know I don't care about my rep, rep is pointless you get nothing from it and it's given too easily.


Good day.

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Adblock dat shit yo.


Grow up. Everyone.

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I certainly find it offensive, that doesn't mean I need to grow up, in fact I would suggest that it shows a lack of age for the one portraying the content. I'm able to ignore it because I honestly don't feel like arguing with you. Adblocking works for me.

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