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Can ANyone tell me How to use the mineral hacks i dont seem to know how to use them at all. After setting the mineral hacks for terran,zerg, or protoss i have no idea what else to do. if u ppl can tell me i'd be great appreciate it :D

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type in /t

press F5 to toggle between mineral hack for first add on second add on mineral hack, and Terran Rock Hack

Press F6 to execute the hack.


type in /P

press F5 to switch to protoss rock hack

press F6 to execute the hack.


type in /z

press F5 to toggle between instant mineral hack, and zerg rock hack.

press F6 to execute


Rock hack for Terran and Protoss

this basically cancels back the selected unit back for money. it wont cancel back everything. pretty much any flying unit can be canbcelled back for more resources.

careful not to look at the units being recycled back, you might crash. you may also crash if you multicommand too many of these units.


Rock hack for Zerg

when toggled to this after press F5 twice. you can select a larva and press in the numpad to create zerg units for free.

make sure you dont go over supply and your able to make the unit. also make sure you dont go over the supply limit because you had multicommand on.


this hack can also recycle zerg untis back for more money. careful when you multicommand them, you may crash if you have too many units commanded or are looking at the unit when you recycle it.


Instant Zerg mineral hack

what this basically does is, if the unit can morph into another unit, it simply makes it morph for free, while giving you backl money. you can cancel them back for even MORE money.


Terran Add on Mineral hack

what this does is create an add on for free, and rapidly cancels it back giving you back the money you were supposed to have spent creating it. you can toggle between the first add on or the second on. have fun!


if you have any more questions just PM me instead of makinjg more threads

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