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1 Screenshot

About This File

nVector is a hack that will draw a Vector from a units origin to it's order destination point.



F2 - Toggle the four states of nVector

State 1 - off

State 2 - on using color White

State 3 - on using the color of the Owner of the unit

State 4 - use Alliance coloring

F3 - Toggle showing vectors for all units or only the selected ones

F4 - Toggle lines over/under units



This hack has been tested and works with:

-Project Epicsauce db 5

-Oblivion v3.10


-(b-'.')b v1 beta


Passive Features:

-select multiple enemies (will not work with Oblivion)




-fixed selecting multiple enemies

-fixed a potential crash


-Updated for 1.15.3


-line drawing algorithm has been improved to reduce likeliness of lag

-added another coloring mode

-added toggle for all units or just the selected ones

-added toggle for drawing over or under units


-initial release
