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About This File

D2BS, short for Diablo 2 Botting System.


D2BS, short for Diablo 2 Botting System, uses the open source Javascript engine Spider monkey for executing user program code inside Diablo 2. D2BS can be used to make Diablo II do almost anything that can be done in the game by a human player.

D2BS does not try to exploit any bugs in the Diablo code, the Battle.net protocol or the Battle.net game servers it only simulates a real player


Notable features include:


* 1.12 compatible

* Massive numbers of bugs fixed, I seriously can't even begin to enumerate them

* New object (Sandbox) that allows you to expose only what you want to a dependency, i.e. included files




Notable bugs:


* The print function will crash if you send too many characters to it (this is an extension of another bug that was fixed), this is fixed in SVN already

* The socket library and anti-detection and getBaseStat are missing

There appears to be some unreproducible bug involving enumerating rooms

* There's a semi-unreproducible bug where unit.getNext() fails for no reason




1. Make sure you have D2Loader, if not - download it from D2Loader Hacks and extrace it to your diablo folder!

2. Create a folder in your Diablo folder called "Plugin" (without the "" of course).

3. Extrace the D2BS files into your Plugin folder.

4. Start Diablo, join a game and you should see "D2BS" top middile.
