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BWLauncher 4 Beta - for 1.15

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About This File

Antihack program. Includes Penguin Plug and suckz


BWLauncher 4 Beta - for 1.15 also known as Penguin Plug by Ashur



- Detects Invisible target clicks/ some maphack users

- Detects multicommand and selection hack and which user is using it

- APM Live - shows your momentary apm

- Can save corrupted hack replays/warns you if the replay get corrupted durring the game

- Replay with text

- is able to save a replay in first-person mode = u see EVERY click and mouse movement of the player who saved the replay

- map download status in the pre-game lobby

- and you are NOT able to load pp with another hack


- Unshifted Hotkey Unshifted Hotkey: Your french/belgium keyboard layout will no longer force you to use capslock to press hotkeys (not usefull if you have qwerty keyboard)


