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About This File

Command more than 12 units at a time!




License: GPL

Author: CommodoreLXIV

Date: May 18, 2007



A multicommand hack for Starcraft: Broodwar version 1.15




Inject with you favorite DLL injector. (SC_Modder's is included.) Inject any time you want, even during a game or before you connect to battle.net. To use the multicommand feature, hold the ~ button (to the left of your 1 key) and issue a command. The command will be sent to all units of the same type as the selected unit(s).


This hack causes a slight delay (around 170 ms) between each group of 12 units commanded (or between each single unit, if you selected a building). This makes it harder to detect, and easier to explain away as hotkeys.



New in version 1.1:

-fixed a bunch of crash bugs

-added more commands to the blacklist (ie, will not be multicommanded)

-changed the way codehooks are installed and removed (now you can inject before you connect to battle.net)

-shortened delay
