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1 Screenshot

About This File

Nice Multihack including Winamp Controls.


Xtazy v1.2 by xXZyZXx



- Features:

Lag defender

Null drop timer

DL Status

Stay alive

Draws an X with player colour over burrowed units, dts,

but not cloaked units yet (I'm lazy).


Winamp control:

- Draws current track name, progress, etc.

- Hotkeys

- Commands


- Hotkeys

PageUp - Previous track (Winamp)

PageDn - Next track (Winamp)

Ctrl + D - Lag Defender

Ctrl + A - Null drop timer

Ctrl + H - Command currently selected units to hold position

Ctrl + P - Pause/Resume game (toggle)


- Ingame commands

/about - Display info

/ps <#> - Plays sound #

/repeat - Type this once, and send any command (build, move, etc).

It will automatically keep repeating that command until you type /repeat again.



- .on/off - Enable/Disable winamp control

- .vol up/down - Volume up/down

- .vol <#> - Set volume to # (# is a number from 1-100)

- .mute - Sets volume to 0

- .shuffle on/off - Enables/disables shuffle

- .repeat on/off - Enables/disables repeat

- .play - Winamp play

- .play <#> - Plays track #

- .info - Display track info

- .pause - Pause Playback

- .stop - Stop Playback

- .next - Skip to next track

- .prev - Play previous track

- .find songname - Find songname

- .ad - Advertises the current song you are listening to.


- Notes

Winamp must be installed at C:\Program Files\Winamp\

May cause slight lag when track changes (winamp)


- Bugs/fixes

- Winamp track names don't match up:

Make sure you don't have any missing tracks, and that you don't

change your playlist during playback. Usually, typing .on will fix this.

If not, go to winamp settings -> General preferences -> Titles -> Read metadata

when files are loaded into winamp.


- Credits

xXZyZXx - For making this hack ... :P

Lancevorgin - Winamp class

Palomino - Various functions, DrawHudText, etc...

Permaphrost - Extended.dll source (I converted lag defender, stayalive from it...)

KC - Sex

p00 - =]



