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Everything posted by Foeos

  1. Foeos

    Why, Hai thar!

    Name: Lindsey Favorite Game: Umm, im in a hassle between all blizzard games, TES IV, and CoD MW2 Age: 21 Favorite Color: Blue Where are you from: New York Where did you hear about us: Google :D Who are you ( SN ): On Bnet: WoP-Foeos, PSN: MiSS_Me4TomoRRoW, on Xfire: DawnofLight What are you: Human of course (... i think :D) What do you represent: NY, Clan WoP Gaming Screen Name: err look above at SN :) Have a GirlFriend: Nope. Have a BoyFriend: Nope. Why did you come here: To make friends and have fun Who is your Idol: My College Astronomy Professor What can you do: Fun stuffs :D - Program? X - Script? X - Read? Check! - Spell? Check! About you (Description): I'm a friendly and loving person, I hope to meet a lot of good people here. I'm a recent leukemia survivor, was released from center 2 weeks ago. Thanks for reading!
  2. Foeos

    Hydralisk Signature

    Lucky person u made that for :), very very VERY nice
  3. Foeos

    Making a Starcraft Hack - Advanced

    Thanks for this, thinking of using this if im to make a hack :D
  4. Foeos

    AIM screen name?

  5. I bought SC2, kind of disappointed somewhat, couldve used channels >.>

    1. GhoztMan 


      Blizzard has stated multiple times that Chat Channels will be included in later patches.
