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Everything posted by xxTimmyxx

  1. xxTimmyxx

    Guess Who Posts Next

    Not at all. Sophe. EDIT: ZOMG MY OTHER ACCOUNT :o
  2. xxTimmyxx

    Bunch of suggestions

    What if in the texture pack the necro armor is like Death Eater o.o
  3. xxTimmyxx

    Quidditch Application

  4. xxTimmyxx

    Bunch of suggestions

    Yes i Agree someone needs to try to kill everyone >:D
  5. xxTimmyxx

    Magic Brick Preview. 1.0.6

    FAKE! lol :P
  6. xxTimmyxx


    Yes but the ghost wont show up in multiplayer so this=USELESS
  7. xxTimmyxx

    Quidditch Application

    Name: Timmy Application: Slytherine Captain Reason: I am feel I would be good for this position because I am Headboy of Slytherine. Also i am a good leader and was recommended by Vincent and Edge :D. Thank you! *Note: I may or not be up for this position. I will be up if my brother Luna does not apply :3
  8. xxTimmyxx

    Job Applications thread (Don't use this)

    Who is jj [the New Prefect in Slytherine] have never seen him on the server :/ I thought Momo deserves the Prefect position :-) But i have never seen jj so i dont know how he is Bye! ,Timmy :D
  9. xxTimmyxx

    Job Applications thread (Don't use this)

    I hope my i get my Headboy tag soon lol But thank you for making me headboy of Slyhtheryn :D
  10. xxTimmyxx


    I agree with you on Timmy xD :P Timmy IS the Slytheryine captin lol
  11. xxTimmyxx

    Job Applications thread (Don't use this)

    Character Name:Timmy Character Position: Slytherine Headboy Reason: I feel i would be good for this position, I hav been on this server for quite a while now and i am very responsible.
  12. xxTimmyxx

    Job Applications thread (Don't use this)

    Character Name: Timmy Character Position: Slytheryn Prefect Reason: There's no Prefects In Slytheryn