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 V.I.P. Member
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Everything posted by PromasserX

  1. PromasserX


    Please Viper & KCDan has always been after me idk why Viper did i guess he just can't take the fact that i code at the age of 12 >.>. And KCDan idk whats his problem i think hes problem is the same as Viper. But if i can i will remake my old team forum and post my sources and hacks in there to the people who respect me. And KCDan are you lonely who do you just like TRYING to pwn on me when you can go do that to some grown man. Im trying to be nice to you and Viper so yall can respect me too but clearly you guys aren't.
  2. PromasserX


  3. PromasserX




    make hacks undetected and shows dl status proUndetected.dll v1.00 for Starcraft / Broodwar Created By ProMasser 9/14/2008 http://www.Ghoztcraft.net ============================================================ Version Info: v1.00: -Added dl status show all the time -Updated to patch v1.15.3 -First release =========================================================== The hack is auto just inject it after loggin on battle.net and all the hacks that are injected with it are undetected by blizzard and some anti-hacks!
  4. PromasserX




    Make hacks undetected by warden and what not >.> and shows dl status. proUndetected.dll v1.00 for Starcraft / Broodwar Created By ProMasser 9/14/2008 http://www.Ghoztcraft.net ============================================================ Version Info: v1.00: -Added dl status show all the time -Updated to patch v1.15.3 -First release =========================================================== The hack is auto just inject it after loggin on battle.net and all the hacks that are injected with it are undetected by blizzard and some anti-hacks!
  5. PromasserX

    Starcraft Patch 1.15.3

    No they don't but im haveing trouble with printing text to the screen and that should be the easy thing to make i mean its just printing cilentsided text >.>.
  6. PromasserX

    Starcraft Patch 1.15.3

    KCDan can you please shh i didn't say anything to you thank you... And you can say blizzard stopped those hacks untill someone updates them. So blizzard maybe didn't patch them but blizzard stopped them for a while untill a stupid game hacker comes and release it :D . But if its release i know what ima do. But since a new clean patch hardly no hacks will be released unless AgentGod comes out and trys to showout with his hack. So far im useing nanoMapHack which is located at "tehProject.tk" and im useing my multihack. Also if you guys run into a ZMH for this patch please don't post because than maybe other hacks "Zynastor" will go and release his publicly.
  7. PromasserX

    Starcraft Patch 1.15.3

    Indeed and everyone do not release a good hack like protection or anything.
  8. PromasserX

    Starcraft Patch 1.15.3

    Im updateing my drophack atm.
  9. PromasserX

    Starcraft Patch 1.15.3

    Yay all the noobs your hacking days is over lulz. Just Kidding or am i?
  10. PromasserX

    Oblivion has killed the Drophack

    Drophacks aren't ment to be abuse it was ment to kick faggets out of the game. But now since the drophacks got out the noobs use it to just do it for fun, but now since Oblivion is stopping the ZDropHackers and the others who uses the same method no one will hardly drophack >.>. But maybe i'll release my drophack updated to GC V.I.P maybe :P.
  11. PromasserX


    No not anymore but maybe i will add to detect a differnt drophack. By the way check my Expeida hack.
  12. PromasserX


    BugKiller Version: 1.0.2 Author: ProMasser Category: 1.15.2 Screenshot: Description: Updated. Protection from Various stuff BugKiller.dll v1.01 for Starcraft / Broodwar Created By ProMasser 8/27/2008 http://www.Ghoztcraft.net ============================================================ Version Info: v1.02: -Added Snipers crash protection *Snipers v335b_Solar* -Added See Through Fog of War *Works on Snipers v335b_Solar* v1.01: -Added Anti-Turret Crash Fix -Added Undetected by some hacks -Added Experimental ZDropHack Protection & Detection -Added Anti-Drop from some bugs in Starcraft and the hack -Added Anti-Crash from some bugs in Starcraft and the hack -Added Lag clear game play *Comes with the method for Anti-Drop & Anti-Crash* v1.00: First release ============================================================ The hack is auto so theres no need to press or type any command. Unless i add a feature that will need one of those. Also the ZDropHack protection im not 100% sure but it should stop it sometime i have yet to finish it its not stable but its okay >.> PS: You are Super Gay ! Download The File Submitted by ProMasserX, on Aug 30 2008, 06:35 PM
  13. PromasserX

    Oblivion has killed the Drophack

    Oblivion dosen't have protection against all drophacks i would update GDropHack with more drop features, but i like the way how it is without drophackers :P. But for everyone who deserves a drophack and dosen't abuse it for the love of god PLEASE KEEP IT TO YOURSELF.
  14. PromasserX




    Updated. Protection from Various stuff BugKiller.dll v1.01 for Starcraft / Broodwar Created By ProMasser 8/27/2008 http://www.Ghoztcraft.net ============================================================ Version Info: v1.02: -Added Snipers crash protection *Snipers v335b_Solar* -Added See Through Fog of War *Works on Snipers v335b_Solar* v1.01: -Added Anti-Turret Crash Fix -Added Undetected by some hacks -Added Experimental ZDropHack Protection & Detection -Added Anti-Drop from some bugs in Starcraft and the hack -Added Anti-Crash from some bugs in Starcraft and the hack -Added Lag clear game play *Comes with the method for Anti-Drop & Anti-Crash* v1.00: First release ============================================================ The hack is auto so theres no need to press or type any command. Unless i add a feature that will need one of those. Also the ZDropHack protection im not 100% sure but it should stop it sometime i have yet to finish it its not stable but its okay >.> PS: You are Super Gay !
  15. PromasserX


    Heh thanks i guess. I have added Sniper Crash Protection in the next version and Sniper Locator. It locates where the sniper is on the map with a color of the player aka it draws a box around the sniper where it at and with the player color who owns it. My multihack has the following. Thinking about adding Zerg min hack.
  16. PromasserX

    i had a hurricane coming

    So we had Hurricane Fay i live in Albany, GA. Your not the only one in the world who has a hurricane its part of the world get over it im sure you'll be fine unless its a flood, but if i think your hurricane is worst than Hurricane Fay so i can't speak for you i pray for you and goodluck :D .
  17. PromasserX

    Starcraft BWLowLatency Auto starter

    Goodjob Poply and very useful program .
  18. PromasserX

    Having a problem on Starcraft!

    Its either KCernel32 or Blacklist i once had this problem i was testing KCernel32 with oblivion and blacklist they both failed = crashed.
  19. PromasserX


    :o very nice Jiggie, sexy as all ways :P. But now expect Zynastor to steal this idea.
  20. PromasserX

    Nuke Anywhere

    Yeah if you are not v.i.p you can't download :P. Maybe if you join v.i.p you can get all the leet stuff in it :).
  21. PromasserX

    zDropHack & Similar.

    Sigh im not going to leave the GC site because some noob from BWH is gonna tell me to leave no. And Zhudien no the reason i was demodded because the BWH noob crew flamed me, and i flamed back but its good. If everyone can go back and read the topic you can see how dumb, childish BWH is and also how noobish. DT site just flames everybody i remeber the first time i went there i wanted to learn hacking. So than everyone flamed me for being a noob. I kept trying to be nice and say "stop flameing me" but they kept flameing, and flameing. So i moved to GC and here is where i will always be at and rep it, in a good way >.>. Here at GC is where i learned hacking theres some people out there who still say i copied source codes. And to that i will say yes i did in the past (not all sources but alil) but now i learn from sources by Jiggie. He is the one who actually taught me and there go Zynastor he is the one who gave me details when i ask for them, and there go nano351 he helped me alil with some errors. My past was two years back and now i learned from it with the help by XGhozt. But yeah im not going to leave when someone tell me too plus if they don't have respect for me.
  22. PromasserX




    Zerg mineral exploit detection v1.1.0 - Fixed player8`s undetecting problem. Hotkeys: None Commands: None Autos: Zerg mineral exploit detection Add notes: The bug is found by Juiced. thanks to Juiced. one of player8`s condition data is fixed from 0x2C to 0x1C. 유틸리티 > 기타 KM9 v1.1.0 [Korean] 한국어 버젼 등록자 OverWith (121.146.YG.213) 등록일 2008-07-01 18:54:12 다운로드 776 회 (금주 : 76) 용량 29.8KB 플랫폼 win9x,win2k,winxp,win2003 라이센스 프리웨어 제작사 Death_Lion 5.0 by ygosu Good : 1 Bad : 1 [1.15.2] KM9 v1.1.0 Made by Death_Lion http://blizzer.co.kr *For Korean* ================================================== [ 이번버전의 추가된 내용 ] - Player8이 감지되지 않았던 점 수정 [ 기능 및 단축키 ] 자동 - 저그미네랄핵 감지 ==================================================
  23. PromasserX

    Ghoztcraft Turns Three!

    Whoa this was more than I thought it was. It's nice to see this site is still active. Yay goes to GC community!
  24. PromasserX

    Drone Float Source

    This can be used as alot of stuff heres a fuction i clearly wrote by just adding the 2 X, Y. .data BWFXN_CommandUnit dd 4BFF80h ExecuteCommandXY proc Command:DWORD, X:DWORD, Y:DWORD push X push Y push 00h mov edx, Command push 0E4h xor esi, esi push 00h push 00h call dword ptr [BWFXN_CommandUnit] ret ExecuteCommandXY endp This is the function used to create a DroneFloat or anything else. .if key == VK_F5 mov eax, dword ptr ds:[68C134h] ;SelectedUnit .if eax == 41 ; DroneID invoke ExecuteCommandXY, 1Ah, 50, 00h .endif 1Ah = X 50 = Y 00h = Execute
  25. PromasserX

    Nuke Anywhere

    Hotkey bug fixed!