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Everything posted by PromasserX

  1. PromasserX

    Game Hang/Unlimited Pause Hacks?

    No Zynastor isn't the owner of Starcraft. Also i think he wish he was but anyways theres no point in this thread JBum question has been answer so close.
  2. PromasserX

    Game Hang/Unlimited Pause Hacks?

    Wow look what i turned this whole flame into :D. I kinda feel bad but than again its funny .
  3. PromasserX

    Game Hang/Unlimited Pause Hacks?

    Stop makeing anti-hacks you will see theres more many methods that can be used to drop someone. Zynastor you really became a pain the ass to most people so have i but im only twelve your and Adult which you think you own Starcraft but you clearly don't. As of now you just turn into a Anti-Hacker your not no Hacker anymore to me.
  4. PromasserX

    Game Hang/Unlimited Pause Hacks?

    I know more about drop hack then you will probably ever know or could understand. How does pausing the game or not then calling the native drop function make it a different method? you seriously have no idea. Zynastor is just gonna tell you a lie he didn't build protect for all new drophacks hes not the only gamehacker why there is Jiggie whos clearly as good as Zynastor.
  5. PromasserX

    Yo Gynastor

    He has a point but i think he went alittle overboard i would say "Don't flame him" but its the flame board so.
  6. PromasserX

    Game Hang/Unlimited Pause Hacks?

    Zynastor you think you know everything and clearly you don't there can be more pause method ok Mr.AntiHacker? Useing the native drop function.
  7. PromasserX

    Game Hang/Unlimited Pause Hacks?

    We can allways use a differnt method now can we? And Zynastor can't stop all drophacks.
  8. PromasserX

    Game Hang/Unlimited Pause Hacks?

    Zhuinden, that's my Hang hack, and not my Drophack. By the way, Jiggie drophack is easy to counter because it has a backdoor.
  9. PromasserX

    Game Hang/Unlimited Pause Hacks?

    Sigh... Yes i made one for V.i.p however JBum you could of messaged me over msn. But i deleted my game hang since i uploaded it in the v.i.p section.
  10. PromasserX

    Nuke Anywhere

    Louts yes Jiggie gave me the normal nuke anywhere code, but it was buggy as hell. But i updated it, and now its crash fix, bug fix, and added Nuke All Drop Hack. Ok so please talk what you know. But Jiggie could just go ahead and update his, will be better than mines probably more feature. He is 100x better than me but he is busy with alot more so i just guessed that i'll update this for the other people.
  11. PromasserX

    Nuke Anywhere

    Just use a left method :S thats why.
  12. PromasserX

    Nuke Anywhere

    Nuke Drop can't be patched though :D.
  13. PromasserX

    Nuke Anywhere

    Re Updated ------------------- Added All Nuke DropHack
  14. PromasserX

    Nuke Anywhere

    It works with Zyn MapHack i tested it.
  15. PromasserX

    Nuke Anywhere

    It fixes all the crashes, and i improve the nuke anywhere.
  16. PromasserX

    Nuke Anywhere

    I know someone who can add counter-drop :D. Also im thinking of adding a new drop method :(.
  17. PromasserX

    Nuke Anywhere

    Ight, have anyone found any bugs? If so please report them, or report what the hack crashes with.
  18. PromasserX

    Nuke Anywhere

    Anyone wanna create me a readme? Also if anyone wants it just mail me or im me :(. If i like you :D.
  19. PromasserX

    Nuke Anywhere

    Aww :( let the public have some l33t hacks lol :D.
  20. PromasserX

    Vip Or Public Hack Request

    Just make your own all you have to do is just get slow speed offset, and find out how to restore the speed back the normal :D.
  21. PromasserX

    Nuke Anywhere Hack?

    Or a single .dll with crash fixed :D *cough* me.
  22. PromasserX


    Sigh Apoc is just a huge multihack which is crashey, buggy, droppy. However i fix my hacks to not be crashy you'll be better off with Oblivion.
  23. PromasserX

    Can Someone Gimme A Terr/toss Money Hack

    Yeah, this topic is old. Btw you already have zerg mineralhack be proud :).
  24. PromasserX

    My crappy method.

    This was my first attempt at makeing a protection hack its ok to laugh :D. This was actually trying to block the sprites from crashing. It'll work, but it won't work as perfect also the side effect you can't build sub units lol. The hooks: invoke JmpPatch, 423380h, addr SubUnitSafe invoke JmpPatch, 4E5D40h, addr DrawUnitHud The methods .data BWFXN_DrawHudJmp3 dd 4E5DA2h BWFXN_DrawHudJmp2 dd 4D6CA0h BWFXN_DrawHudJmp1 dd 4E5D88h BWFXN_DrawUnitHUD dd 4E5D40h BWFXN_Sprite dd 49E9A0h BWFXN_Command dd 4BFF70h BWFXN_Subunit dd 423380h IssueCommand dd 4858F0h SelectedUnit dd 68C134h SubUnit dd 00h .data? .code DrawUnitHud proc PUSH EBP MOV EBP,ESP PUSH ECX PUSH EBX PUSH ESI PUSH EDI MOV EDI,EAX MOVZX EAX,WORD PTR DS:[EDI+64] TEST DWORD PTR DS:[EAX*4+664068h],2000000h MOV ESI,DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+0Ch] MOV BL,1 jmp [BWFXN_DrawHudJmp3] MOVZX ECX,BYTE PTR DS:[EDI+4Ch] TEST BYTE PTR DS:[ESI+0Eh],BL MOV DL,BYTE PTR DS:[ECX+581D52h] MOV BYTE PTR SS:[EBP-4h],DL jmp [BWFXN_DrawHudJmp1] MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-4h] PUSH 231 PUSH EAX MOV EAX,ESI CALL [BWFXN_DrawHudJmp2] TEST EAX,EAX jmp [BWFXN_DrawHudJmp1] OR BYTE PTR DS:[ESI+0Eh],BL MOV EDI,DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+0Ch] MOV AL,BYTE PTR DS:[EDI+0Eh] MOV CL,BYTE PTR SS:[EBP+8h] OR AL,8 MOV BYTE PTR DS:[EDI+0Eh],AL MOV BYTE PTR DS:[EDI+0Bh],CL POP EDI POP ESI POP EBX MOV ESP,EBP POP EBP RETN 4h DrawUnitHud endp SubUnitSafe proc push ebp mov ebp, esp push ecx mov edx, 1 lea ecx, dword ptr ss:[ebp-1] call [BWFXN_DrawHudJmp1] mov esp, ebp pop ebp @Protection: call SubUnit jmp DrawUnitHud retn SubUnitSafe endp
  25. PromasserX

    Ip Address Lister



    Lists everyones ip address. *Up to 50 pages or more* Works with oblivion Ipaddress.dll Made by ProMasser = B e t a Starcraft Broodwar v1.15.2 = H a c k ------------------------------------ Shows a list of people ip addresses, and if they hack saved in the .dll. And also tells what server they play on. Also i know this is sloppy but its for a good use. If u would like ur name up there please post your ip address, or send it to me, post your current server u play on, and are u a hacker. CRTL + I = Toggle thew list of Hackers, Players, Servers, Ip Addresses.