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Files posted by ViperSRT3g

  1. Mineral Statz

    This program displays team resources for the game MineralZ Evolution.



  2. Cobra Spoofer v2.02

    The best Starcraft Name Spoofer ever made.
    Cobra Spoofer v2.0 is the culmination of a year's worth of brain storming and development. It features name spoofing for every patch of Starcraft, supports colors, provides automatic temp ban protection, and auto respoof.



  3. CDKeyBuddy v1.05

    Awesome CD Key Grabber for 1.16.1.
    Inject the hack at any time to view your Starcraft CDKey and the name used when installing.



  4. Fastest Possible Map VIP

    THE Best Fastest Map you will ever play. 50 Minerals per base, as well as 8 geysers. Improved base layout for more competitive play.Brought to you by VIP Productions.
    Fastest Possible Map VIP is indeed THE fastest map ever. Improved base layout and design, as well as perfect base alignment helps this map take off at blinding speed. The map will automatically give you a Nuclear Explosion sound when it has finished downloading onto your computer.
    Brought to you by VIP Productions.



  5. scloader2b_wmode

    This program can run Starcraft in a window, along with no CD.
    This program is able to run Starcraft in a window as well as without a CD. Extract this program to your Starcraft folder, and set the following as your target for the shortcut to this program.
    NOTE: This website's parsing deletes backslash characters so remember to add them in the appropriate places in the following file paths.
    C: if you installed starcraft to it's default location.
    "C:Program FilesStarcraftscloader2b.exe" -xmod wmode.xmod
    NOTE: Windows Vista 64bit machines must use this path:
    "C:Program Files (x86)Starcraftscloader2b.exe" -xmod wmode.xmod



  6. Cheap Chat Log

    Upon loading this hack, all in-game chat text will permanently remain on screen, until it scrolls up and off the chat area.
    NOTE: Antivirus software may pop on this download due to the included file load.exe being packed using UPX. This is just a false alarm as many antivirus software are now sensitive to this packing process.



  7. Build Anywhere Hack

    Simply inject and you'll be able to build anywhere on the map while stacking.



  8. Oblivion

    Oblivion.dll v3.1.3 for Starcraft Brood War v1.15.3. - Released: November 9th, 2008
    Quick Reference of Hotkeys
    - In-Game
    F5 Toggle lag defender on/off. (Removes lag box screen)
    F6 Use zerg mineral exploit on selected larva, hydralisk or mutalisk.
    Ctrl + F6 Use zerg building recycle exploit on selected hatchery, lair, spire or creep colony.
    F7 Carry out last build command on selected worker. (Useful for stacking maps)
    F8 Add/Remove unit for auto queue.
    Ctrl + F8 Remove all units for auto queue.
    F9 Toggle global auto queue on/off.
    Ctrl + F9 Toggle subunit auto queue on/off.
    F11 Toggle elapsed timer mode forwards.
    Ctrl + F11 Toggle elapsed timer mode backwards.
    F12 Toggle five-state stat hack forwards.
    Ctrl + F12 Toggle five-state stat hack backwards.
    ~ / Alt Select all units of the same type that are currently selected. (Excludes workers)
    Ctrl + ~ / Alt Same as above but is used for workers and loaded transports/overlords.
    Ctrl + F Find and select idle worker.
    Ctrl + R Toggle auto repeat for any game action. (Move, upgrade, etc)
    Ctrl + H Command selected units to hold position.
    Numpad 0 Use the drone float exploit. (Continues as long as button is held)
    Delete Toggle in-game message log.
    Ctrl + Delete Change page for message log.
    Pause Pause/Resume game.
    Insert Toggle three-state maphack forwards.
    Ctrl + Insert Toggle three-state maphack backwards.
    - Lobby
    Page Up / Down Download status spoofer. (Increase / Decrease)
    Quick Reference of Commands
    - In-Game
    /unally [num] Unually player. (Useful for locked teams or once a player has left)
    /list Show a list of players in the game with player id and race.
    /xlist Show players who have used zerg mineral hack, nuke anywhere and/or rally point hack.
    /kill Kill selected workers.
    /load Load selected units into transports/overlords.
    /rally Restore all rally points to default.
    /mining Display how much workers each player has mining minerals.
    - In-Game + Lobby
    /autodrop Toggle auto-drop for mineral/nuke/rally hackers on/off. (Default: on)
    /mh [num] Set maphack state. (1=off, 2=lite, 3=full)
    /sh Toggle selection hack on/off.
    /builda Toggle build anywhere on/off.
    /warning Toggle warning messages on/off.
    /apm Toggle on-screen apm counter on/off.
    /tclicks Toggle maphack target clicks on/off.
    /frepeat Toggle faster repeat on/off. (Used with Ctrl+R to speed it up)
    /automine Toggle worker auto mine on/off.
    /unitalert Toggle unit alert on/off.
    /nukealert Toggle nuclear missile alert on/off.
    /dropalert Toggle dropship alert on/off.
    /autounally Toggle auto unally on/off.
    /actlog Toggle in-game action logger on/off.
    - Channel
    /spoof [name] Spoof a custom name. (Supports color)
    /spoof [num] Spoof a saved name. (1 to 5)
    /sn [num] Save current spoof name. (1 to 5)
    /dn [num] Delete spoof name from list. (1 to 5)
    /ln List saved spoof names.
    /rn Restore spoofed name to original name.
    /cn Display current spoofed name.
    /ar Toggle auto respoof on/off. (Default on)
    /home Join home channel. (Set home channel in Oblivion.ini)
    /uptime Display current system and Oblivion uptime.
    /dls Toggle 100% download status spoof on/off. (Default: off)
    - Global
    /r [msg] Reply back to the last person who messaged you.
    /wb [msg] Whisper back to the last person that you messaged.
    Other Features
    Drophack protection with counter drop for ZDropHack method.
    Drophack detection with auto-drop for another method of drophack. (This is not protection)
    Host identifier for lobby. (Host has red download status)
    Start a game without any opponents.
    Stay in game even after being defeated.
    Auto refresher for hosted game. (game is refreshed every 5 seconds)
    Slot unlocker for lobby. (Remove computer player(s) and go them yourself)
    In-game system and elapsed timers.
    Show map download status at all times.
    Save screenshots as bitmap's rather than PCX.
    Build anywhere on just about any terrain. (Vision must be off in UMS map)
    Selection hack with mass select hotkey.
    Maphack with safe clicks and state hack.
    Nuclear missile alert with map ping on nuke attempt. (Not launch)
    Dropship alert on unload with map ping.
    Ally alert with auto unally/unvision.
    Configurable unit alert. (only alerts on enemy units)
    Zerg mineral hack with auto cancel, crash protection and user detection. (Alerts once)
    Nuke anywhere hack detection with auto-drop. (Alerts once)
    Rally point changer hack detection with auto-drop. (Alerts once)
    Carrier/Reaver subunit crash protection with detection.
    In-game message log thats holds upto 32 messages.
    Channel, lobby and in-game chat logger.
    Automatically re-queue units. (Auto queue)
    Automatically create a worker on map begin.
    Automatically mine minerals on map begin.
    Automatically mine minerals on unit create.
    Automatically gain lobby ops. (Host hack)
    Alliance menu player names are in ally status color.
    Color player name notifications. (Pause/leave/latency change)
    Lag screen box timer always set to 1 second. (safe quick drop)
    On-screen map max counter. (400=default, Oblivion.ini to config)
    On-screen worker idle detection.
    Show enemy minimap pings.
    Minimap pings are in player color. (Yellow is unknown/default)
    Player colored minimap pings.
    Name spoofer with temp ip ban protection.
    Auto join home channel on battle.net login.
    Remove warning messages. (Unit unplaceable)
    Sprite crash protection. (Protects against invalid sprites)
    Auto-hide leaderboard when stats hack is on. (Oblivion.ini to turn off)
    Bypass anti-hack protection when connecting to battle.net.
    Warden fix. (Stops the losses when you win)
    Name Spoofer Codes
    B Blue.
    G Green.
    L Light Green.
    D Dark Grey. (Later text cannot be changed)
    W White.
    R Red.
    I Invisible/Black.
    T Tab.
    C Center justify.
    V Right justify.
    Version 3.1.3
    - Added warden fix to stop the losses.
    - Made some changes to auto-mine.
    Donations can be sent to PayPal: [email protected]
    There is now auto-drop for the Zerg Mineral Hack,
    so its recommended that you don't use this feature in public games
    unless you want to take a chance.



  9. Python Suite - GSH.zip

    This is the seventeenth file for the Python Suite - Game Speed Hack.
    This DLL simply speeds up Starcraft's processing rate, allowing the game to proceed faster.
    NOTE: This hack has now replaced PH.dll, which was a standalone Pause Hack. It's features were incorporated into GSH.dll.
    -Pause Hack is now protected
    -Pause Hack Updated, pauser cannot be dropped



  10. Python Suite - Demo.zip

    A new demonstration file for the Python Suite, the Python Suite Demo - PSD.dll.
    This file allows you to see what hacks from the Python Suite are currently loaded. This demonstrates the basic communication system being set up for all the Python Suite hacks.
    NOTE: This file is not an actual part of the Python Suite.



  11. Python Suite - WSH.zip

    This is the ninteenth file for the Python Suite - Warped Sprite Hack.
    When injected, you will be able to change the appearance of certain sprites in Starcraft. Very fun to see. :D



  12. Python Suite - UCC.zip

    This is the eighteenth file for the Python Suite - Unit Color Changer.
    This hack modifies the default unit color changer in Starcraft. This feature is accessible by pressing the shift+tab buttons together. Pressing them +tab again will change everyone's unit colors. Your units will be changed to Teal indicating units owned by you, allied units will change to yellow, and enemy units will change to red. This hack, allows you to change your units, as well as allied unit colors when this is active.
    Hack info: To use this hack, simply press shift+tab twice when in a game, to enable unit color editing.



  13. Python Suite - SA.zip

    This is the fifth file for the Python Suite - S5 Stay Alive.
    After loading this hack, you will be able to stay in the game after you have won or lost.



  14. Python Suite - HH.zip

    This is the third file for the Python Suite - S3 Host Hack.
    After injection, you will gain lobby ops, allowing you to kick people from the game you are in.



  15. Python Suite - LD.zip

    This is the fourth file for the Python Suite - S4 Lag Defender.
    F5 toggles the Lag Defender on or off. It still has more work to be done on it, but it serves it's purpose...
    NOTE: This hack now replaces the PH.dll which was formerly S4 of the Python Suite.



  16. Python Suite - CCL.zip

    This is the sixteenth file for the Python Suite - Cheap Chat Logger.
    Upon loading this hack, all in-game chat text will permanently remain onscreen, until it scrolls up and off the chat area.



  17. Python Suite - DLS.zip

    This is the second file for the Python Suite - S2 DownLoad Status.
    This hack simply makes Starcraft display the download status even after a player finishes downloading the map. It displays no number if the player has not begun to download the map.



  18. Python Suite - ASC.zip

    This is the first file for the Python Suite - S1 Altered Starcraft Cursor.
    What it does, is change the way the cursor behaves, it's an interesting effect, it makes the gameplay feel very different from how you normally play Starcraft. When active, this hack will make your cursor stay as the normal pointer, even if you move it over units.



  19. Full Python Suite

    The current full Python Suite
    This contains all of the files that are currently in the Python Suite. Check back often to note any changes.
    Python Suite v1.0.2
    S1 - ASC.dll
    S2 - DLS.dll
    S3 - HH.dll
    S4 - PH.dll
    S5 - SA.dll
    S6 - JPG.dll
    S7 - PNG.dll
    S8 - BMP.dll
    S9 - GIF.dll
    S10 - CHN.dll
    S11 - NOP.dll
    S12 - OUP.dll
    S13 - NDT.dll
    S14 - PHO1.dll
    S15 - PHO2.dll
    S16 - CCL.dll
    S17 - GSH.dll
    S18 - UCC.dll
    S19 - WSH.dll



  20. Python Suite - OUP.dll

    This is the twelfth file for the Python Suite - S12 Order Units while Paused.
    After loading this, you will be able to select and order units while the game is paused.



  21. Python Suite - JPG.zip

    This is the sixth file for the Python Suite - S6 JPG.
    Upon loading, this changes the saved extension for screenshots in JPG format.



  22. Python Suite - GIF.zip

    This is the ninth file for the Python Suite - S9 GIF.
    Upon loading, this changes the saved extension for screenshots in GIF format.



  23. Python Suite - BMP.zip

    This is the eighth file for the Python Suite - S8 BMP.
    Upon loading, this changes the saved extension for screenshots in BMP format.



  24. Python Suite - PNG.zip

    This is the seventh file for the Python Suite - S7 PNG.
    Upon loading, this changes the saved extension for screenshots in PNG format.



  25. Python Suite - CHN.zip

    This is the tenth file for the Python Suite - S10 Colored Host Name.
    Upon loading, the host's name in the game lobby will be colored a light green, indicating who the host of the game is.


