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Everything posted by SpammisT-

  1. SpammisT-


    How ironic that the week he leaves, I come back on Starcraft. And maybe I'd thought I'd apologize when I see him, but never mind.
  2. SpammisT-

    I don't feel so old.

    Name: SpammisT, sure, why not? Favorite Game: Call of Duty 4 Age: Classified. Favorite Color: Where are you from: Canada Where did you hear about us: Who are you ( SN ): SpammisT! What are you: a SpammisT. What do you represent: Gaming Screen Name: SpammisT :o Have a GirlFriend: No. Have a BoyFriend: Viper is my new boyfriend now. Why did you come here: Who is your Idol: What can you do: - Program? - Script? - Read? Check. - Spell? Check. About you (Description): I feel new thanks to Viper lol.
  3. SpammisT-

    I don't feel so old.

    Watch out for this guy, when he says special, he means.. "SPECIAL". :shock: ;o I made peanut butter cookies yesterday.
  4. SpammisT-

    I don't feel so old.

    Luls, you are now.

    Feel the beat.

    feel the beat..

    feel the beat...

  6. SpammisT-

    New Siggy

    This I like (~.~)b
  7. SpammisT-

    zDrophack 1.15.2 Released To Public

    I'm willing to do it. I'm getting tired of B.net fucking my connection up. Gimme some proxies.