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Starspeak v1.0.4

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Starspeak v1.0.4

Version: 1.0.4

Author: Perma

Category: Starcraft





Allows you to type "/r" in-game to respond to the last person who sent you a whisper.

* Displays a dialog box while you're typing that shows the last ten messages that were displayed. This works similarly to the chat queue in Diablo II. The dialog box hides itself while you're not typing, so it doesn't clutter your game space!

* Allows you to type "/r" in-game to respond to the last person who sent you a whisper, for those times when you don't have the time or patience to type out their username.

This download is bundled with Zynastor's LiTRiM loader for Starcraft, however, you are not obligated to use it and can use any DLL loader that you wish.


Download The File


Submitted by Renegade Angel, on Dec 31 2006, 06:41 PM

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