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Some funny voice-acting in games

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I found this video on Youtube. It's rather educating.



9 is the most hilarious in my opinion but there are several others that made me laugh.

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The fact that there exists a game called Michigan: Report from hell is funny all on its own. Even without the horrible voice acting...and let's not even get started about how the game didn't actually take place in Michigan but rather the STORY focuses on LAKE Michigan.


Personally though the inclusion of TurbografX 16 games on the list is a little iffy considering those games were released in like 1991. Hard to pick on games during an era where voices were first being inserted into games. I challenge you to find games released in those times that had good voice acting.


Although the list had some funny entries, I frown upon any list that does not include the Zelda CDi games as the WORST OF THE WORST.


I have the feeling that this person is an Xbox and Nintendo fanboy since he only has one of each on the list, when there are plenty they could have included. Aside from the fact that they basically focus on 5 games.

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I didn't really get why the Top #1 was Top #1. But you can't say that even when they started putting sounds on games, they couldn't have read it with just a bit more emotions and attempting to live the role. Like, just look at #30 or #09. Those are just plain bad.

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Pretty funny, but #1 didn't really make sense as #1, as Zhu said. Thanks for the share.

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Let me try to further explain my point.


The TurbografX games were some of the first games with Voice acting like I said before.

Therefore the games did not have a script or actor budget. So they didn't have Hollywood actors or script writers. They were pretty much written and spoken by developers or friends of the developers. They had little or no experience in doing so. It was trial by fire. Also most of the ones they had on the list from the Turbo 16 had Japanese people trying to speak English with heavy accents. It is easy to poke fun at that situation.


I do see what you are saying, but with that argument, you could add all of the voice acting in arcade and console games from the early 90's and say they were "bad". I challenge you to find any game from that era that had "good" voice acting.


I still say that any list that does not have the CDi Zelda games as the worst isn't that great of a list. There is a reason why those games are famous for being the first inspirations for YouTube poops.

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