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Diablo III Beta Info

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"FYI, we're getting very close to starting the closed publicbeta test for Diablo III. You might start seeing some new reports about thebeta client as we've begun limited external testing with employees and theirfamilies, and there is no non-disclosure agreement (NDA) for that. "


An NDA doesn't allow streaming, screenshots, game details, etc tobe released to the public. Since there is no longer an NDA, the Diablo III Betais now viewable in the public eye.


Starting today, all participants can take screen shots, capturevideo, and/or publicly disclose information about their beta test experience.






You can find a list of live streams of the beta on the followinglink.






A VOD archive of all high quality footage of the Beta can befound on the following link.






The F&F version recently patched and Blizzard is preparingfor the release of the Closed Testing Beta, ie. the selected BlizzCon members.Hopefully I will be one of them! If I am, I'll be sure to post as muchinformation as possible from my own experience.




Someone leaked a couple things, including the Act 1 music from the .mpq which you can download here:




and the downloader client itself here:




It seems Blizzard has caught onto the leaks, because the patch notes have become this:







You can find the specs needed to run the Beta here:









The Diablo subreddit will be chalk full of information and humor, you should check back on it regularly.







Here's what the login webpage looks like:





I can screenshot any other part of the login page (graphics options, sound options, etc) if you're interested.


Edit: New login screen. (It's animated but this is a still image obviously).








New patch released.







Excellent quality playthrough.





Overview of all the news of Diablo III's release and features.





Difference in quality settings.






How to opt in for the beta test, and FAQ on the beta.




That's all the information I have at the moment. If I find more information I'll update the post. If you find any information, post it and I'll add it to the OP as well. Enjoy!

Edited by GhoztMan 

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From what I've seen blizzard has kept a lot of the things the same, added some new features we've wanted, and made the graphics betters. which in my opinion is exactly what I wanted. Also I like the gameplay styles of each character available. Always hard to pick which one you truly want.

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