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Hi, im new ... and map problems!

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I made a game yesterday and 2 people joined it, one referred me here and said he was a mod, and im sorry but i forgot his name :S

Anyways I was working on a squad support map, and trying to make heroes not count in the "commands 0 units, start the respawn process" trigger.

I have 8 heroes, and each of the 3 players can have all 8 out at one time.

So I started doing this:


Current player commands exactly 1 unit.

Current player commands exactly 1 [Hero 1]

then: start the respawn process


Current player commands exactly 2 units.

Current player commands exactly 1 [hero 1]

" " [hero 2]

then: start respawn process


etc etc, and it was going to take me 64 triggers.

Well, upon reaching trigger 3, i got the message "cannot create more units with properties, please delete other ones to make new ones"

So I have reached another wall in the starcraft editor. Ive got it in my mind now that I cant do what I want to do because of its limitations, so...

Any suggestions?


Note: theres a limit of 16 conditions, so I cant use "commands 0 zergling, hydralisk, queen, defiler, marine, zealot, archon, probe, scv, etc. then: start respawn process"

Although I considered setting a trigger that when player commands 0 zerg units, set switch. if switch is on and commands no terran, set another switch. If switch is on and commands no protoss, then set respawn trigger. But I ran into multiple problems with that idea, and it looks like it "may" work, but it seems like too much work for such a simple trigger.

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lol sorry fuzzy that was me who refered you here :P And uumm... AS far as your triggers go, yes you will have to use Switches if you do not want to use 64 triggers. And I have no idea how you can run out of units to make... (How can the map be unable to ccreate more units, the map was relatively empty....)

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The problem isn't the map maxing or anything


I've come across this problem before and I forgot what I did to fix it...In fact I didn't fix it, I took a new approach to the thing.


Anyways, the problem is that the map editor only allows you to create a certain amount of units with the "Create unit with property" Action. I don't know why, but could include the entire trigger? I'll probably be able to see the problem from there

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