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Starcraft 1.16.1 Hacks

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Starcraft Hacks for 1.16.1

67 files

  1. Xanax

    707's Multihack.
    -Stats Hack - Name/PlayerColor/Minerals/Gas
    -In-Game Timer
    -Host Hack
    -Download Status
    -Null Drop Timer
    -Save screenshots as pcx(default),bmp, or gif.
    -Lag Defender
    -Stay Alive Hack
    -Start Game without opponents
    -Currently Warden-Proof
    ~ - Toggle Multicommand On/Off
    F5 - Toggle Lag Defender On/Off
    F6 - Toggle Through Screenshot Formats
    F7 - Toggle Multicommand Workers On/Off
    F12 - Stats Hack On/Off
    Automatic Features:
    In-Game Timer
    Host Hack
    Download Status
    Null Drop Timer
    Stay Alive Hack
    Start Game Without Opponents
    Warden Work Around
    Version 1.4b
    - Fixed a major bug that caused crashing during game play.
    Version 1.4
    - Made Xanax v1.4 Compatible with ZynMapHack v1.0.7. Multicommand will not enable if Zynastors Selection hack is enabled.
    - Fixed a bug involving Multicommand
    Version 1.3
    - Updated hack to patch 1.16.1
    - Added Stats Hack
    - Added In-Game Timer
    - Added Start game without opponents
    - Added Toggle Multicommand Workers Protection On/Off
    - Fixed a bug that was causing users to get rick rolled
    - Removed Special feature
    Version 1.2
    - Added Multicommand.
    - Added more screenshot format options, and added a hotkey to toggle through them.
    - Added Multicommand worker protection; you can't command workers at all while multicommand is enabled.
    - Added a function that will display how many units you commanded using Multicommand.
    - Added Special feature, I dare you to use it!
    Version 1.1
    - Fixed a feature that was being detected by warden; Xanax v1.1 should be completely undetected by warden.
    p00onu - Special thanks to p00 for teaching me everything I know about ASM and game hacking. Thanks for all your help.
    Zynastor - zLoader. Taught me alot and various help with my code. Thanks for all your help.
    KcDan - Taught me alot and provided me with various information and source code. Thanks for all your help.
    AgentGod - Taught me alot and provided me with various information and source code. Thanks for all your help.
    DarthSlyGuy - <3
    EvilSinz - <3
    Gorgy - <3
    BloodyBlade - For taking 7-2mg Xanax bars on 1/4/09
    antihaxer - Tester
    JeweyK - Tester/Lawyer/Doctor
    Aiur - Tester



  2. ZMulticommand

    Simple Multicommand hack.
    - Press ~ key to enable multicommand. (If you want the Alt key version then download ZMC102-Alt)
    - Press Ctrl + ~ key to toggle worker command on/off.
    - Converted to new patch.
    This hack has to be loaded after you have entered battle.net.



  3. Download Status

    Display the download status at all times.
    Login in to b.net alt+tab out and run Inject.exe and your download status will always be shown
    KC helped out a lot with Inject.exe
    707 for general starcraft hacking help



  4. Resolution Hack

    This resolution hack works on all windows systems and does not slow down the computer. It is almost finished except for a few missing features as listed below.
    Follow the instructions below carefully
    1. Close Starcraft. If starcraft is open it will crash.
    2. Click on the loader.
    3. Log on to Battle.net.
    4. Load other hacks after logging on to battle net.
    This demo beta hack...
    ...Increases the game play screen size to any size specified in the config file. It has been tested with 1024x768, 1280x800 and 1440x900.
    ...Is able to be injected before entering battle.net.
    ...Has debugging mode.
    ...100% works with Epicsauce.
    Development issues to be fixed.
    1. Screen shot bug.
    2. Command bar mouse updating bug.
    3. Other missing features.
    Be sure and load starcraft and the hack with the loader.



  5. Extern SC Chat

    With this tool you are be able to Chat with your Account, which is looged on BW / SC.
    This is very usefull because that allows you to be on the desktop and Chat on Starcraft at the same time.
    This tool offers you more functions, like:
    -Time Message
    -Greet Message
    - Name Alert (If someone write a name that you have set, a sound will be played)
    -3 changeable designs
    -Display online Friends
    -Hide Offline Friends
    -Log all mesages and save them in a textfile for every day
    And many more!
    This tool is very usefull for every Starcraft / Broodwar Player
    Screen from the MainWindow with an menu, that pops up when Right clicking on a Player



  6. Power-Hack

    Spoof HackDeley Decreaser Hack
    What it does :
    Spoof Hack (Use the name of everybody in a game ! "Color accepted") :
    Start Starcraft, log on Battle.net and press Alt-Tab to go in Power-Hack
    Put the name you want to spoof in the text box (You can use color with the list box) and go back in Starcraft.
    Press F12 when you're in the chat room to run the spoofer.
    Each times you want to spoof, press F12 in the channel.
    Delay Decreaser Hack (Use it to not feel the lag in a game) :
    Press F9 to run it.
    Press F9 again to stop it.
    Flood Hack (Only for registered users) :
    Put the message you want to flood in the 1st text box.
    In the 2nd text box, put the delay between each repetition of the message.
    To use it, keep F8 pressed in game.



  7. Dr. Dan Injector

    Dr. Dan is an injector that reads a script (drdan.txt) thats in the same directory as Dr.Dan.exe.
    Inside the script there are various commands you can use to
    do whatever you please.
    The commands are:
    MatchWin "classname","window title" $
    MatchClass "Classsname" $
    MatchTitle "Window title" $
    Inject "Dllname.dll" $
    Clear $ <--- Clears the text in the edit box
    Output "print whatever you want here...." $
    Pause 1000 $ <--- This pauses script execution for x amount of milliseconds
    Die $ <--- Formal way to stop the script althought you dont need to do this.
    Comments are started with # and are ended with $.
    An example of injecting a dll into starcraft is as follows
    MatchWin "SWarClass","Brood War" $
    Inject "ZynMaphack.dll" $
    Output "Zynastors maphack was succesfully injected!" $
    Pause 2000 $
    Die $
    Alertnatively you could do this
    MatchTitle "Brood War" $ Inject "Zynmaphack.dll" $ Ouput "Maphack injected" $ Die $
    And one more example for good measure. This uses comments and injects three dlls to two different process's.
    #Open up the process with the window with the class SWarClass $
    MatchClass "SWarClass" $
    #Inject zynastors maphack and 707's xanax $
    Inject "ZynMaphack.dll" $
    Inject "Xanax.dll" $
    #Hey, I want to inject a dll to Solitaire too $
    MatchTitle "Solitaire" $
    #Inject the solitaire hack $
    Inject "SuperSolitiare.dll" $
    #Tell them what happened and quit$
    Ouput "Zyn's maphack and solitaire hack injected!" $
    Pause 2000 $
    Die $
    **** you if you dont like my readme.
    Zyn - awesome
    permy - awesome
    p00 - amazing
    bulk - good head
    dt - cool site
    zyz - neat



  8. Epicsauce

    Undetectable by warden as of 6/18/09!
    Feature List:
    Code: Select all
    -Build Anywhere
    -Always Show Download Stats
    -Custom Screenshots (any format can be configured as long as the extension is 6 or less characters long)
    -Map Name on startup
    -Hide/Show leaderboard
    -Start With No Opponents
    -Start With Downloaders
    -Allow selecting of traps when they aren't shooting
    -Always spoof 100% Download status
    -Host Coloring
    -3 State Maphack
    -Perfect clientside clicks
    -Sprite Crash Protection against the sprite used in Sniper v333F*
    -Sprite Crash Protection against the sprites used in Miles Laser Tag v87 Final*
    -Portrait Crash Protection
    -Lag Defender
    -Sprite Counter
    -State hack (Incomplete)
    -Disable Warning Messages
    -Color Notifications
    -Show all pings
    -Color pings according to player color
    -spoof saving/loading (cobra compatible)
    -MultiCommand (with single command style option)
    -Time Stamps in Channel
    -Global AutoQueue
    -Global AutoUpgrade
    -Global AutoStim
    -Infinite COP actions
    -Hold position button for workers
    -Worker Suicide button for workers
    -BanListing with IP support
    -AutoBanList Banned players
    -remove prompts when kicking/banning people
    -Unit Command Vector Drawing
    -Show Locations
    -Private Channels
    -Text Macros
    -Music Player Controller with iTunes and WinAMP
    -Area of Effect Box Drawing of weapon based attacks
    -modified directories
    -Create/Remove computers in UMS**
    -Change Races in UMS**
    -EUD detection protection
    -Ally Alert for all alliance changes
    -Worker Protection with mutlicommand
    -Unit Alert (unit id's can be found here: http://www.tehproject.net/forums/viewtopic...f=11&t=751)
    -Upgrade Alert (upgrade id's can be found here: http://www.tehproject.net/forums/viewtopic...f=11&t=776)
    -Tech Alert (tech id's can be found here: http://www.tehproject.net/forums/viewtopic...f=11&t=775)
    -Elapsed Time Display
    -System Time Display
    -replaced Battle.net Ads
    -can be injected before logging into battle.net and can log off and log back on
    -fully compatible with hellinsect's resolution hack
    -Auto Save replays
    -Selection Hack
    -AutoRefresh in lobby
    * selecting the invalid units that you can now see with sprite crash protection may crash you to crash
    ** only works if you are host of the game
    Code: Select all
    /spoof <text> ;spoofs to the desired text
    /realname ;spoofs to your original name. alias (/rn)
    /spooflist ;shows a list of all the spoofs from Spoofs.txt. alias (/sl)
    /spoofnumber <number> ;spoofs to the spoof on that line in Spoofs.txt (refer to spooflist command to get the spoof numbers). alias (/sn)
    /spoofsave ;saves your current spoof to your Spoofs.txt file. alias (/ss)
    /blshow ;shows a list of all the names banned and IPs banned. alias (/bls)
    /bladd <text> ;adds the name to your banlist. alias (/bla)
    /bladdip <text> ;adds the IP to your banlist. alias (/blaip)
    /blremove <text> ;removes the name from your banlist. alias (/blr)
    /blremoveip <text> ;removes the IP from your banlist. alias (/blrip)
    /bmblocks <number> ; sets the number of blocks to space apart buildings with BuildingMatrix. alias (/bmb)
    /selectionhack <number> ;sets the limit of how many units you can select. Max of 255. alias (/sh)
    Lobby & In-Game only:
    Code: Select all
    /blnadd <number> ;adds the desired player number's name and IP to the banlist. alias (/blna)
    /msay <macro name> ;runs the macro from your Text Macros folder. alias (/ms)
    In-Game only:
    Code: Select all
    /kill ;kills the currently selected workers.
    Channel only:
    Code: Select all
    /joinp <text> ;joins the private channel with that name. alias (/jp)
    In-Game and Lobby:
    Code: Select all
    F1 - Toggle Lag Defender
    F2 - Cycle Unit Command Vector mode
    CTRL + F2 - Cycle Unit Command Vector coloring mode
    ALT + F2 - Toggle Unit Command Vectors over/under units
    F3 - Toggle Show Locations
    F4 - Toggle AOE Box Drawing
    F5 - Toggle AutoMine
    F6 - Cycle BuildingMatrix state forward
    CTRL + F6 - Cycle BuildingMeatrix state backward
    F7 - Toggle UnitAlert
    CTRL + F7 - Toggle UpgradeAlert
    ALT + F7 - Toggle TechAlert
    F11 - Toggle Global AutoQueue
    CTRL + F11 - Toggle Global AutoUpgrade
    ALT + F11 - Toggle Global AutoStim
    F12 - Toggle AuotQueue/AutoStim/AutoUpgrade for currently selected units
    Insert - Cycle maphack forward
    CTRL + Insert - Cycle maphack backward
    ALT + Insert - Toggle target clicks
    ~/ALT - toggle multicommand
    CTRL + ~/ALT - toggle multicommand worker protection
    Home - Play/Pause current iTunes/WinAMP Song
    Page Up - skip to the previous iTunes/WinAMP Song
    Page Down - skip to the next iTunes/WinAMP Song
    Pause|Break - Pauses/Unpauses the game the game
    Tab - Selects all units of the unit types currently selected
    GUI Components:
    The MenuBar is located on the right side of the starcraft window. you can use it to open/close varius GUI components.
    Left Click an item to open it
    Right Click an item to close it
    -4 pages
    --Page 1
    --Page 2
    ---Army Size
    --Page 3
    ---Aliance Matrix
    --Page 4
    ---APM (Actions Per Minute)
    Displays all unit types owned by a player and how many of each. use the left and right arrows to cycle players and up and down arrows to scroll through units
    shows how many units are on the map (1700 = max)
    Time Display:
    The time display will display the elapsed time of the game (in game seconds) and your system time. If there are two times the top time is the elapsed time the bottom is the system time. If there are three the top is Countdown Time, the second is elapsed time and the the third is your system time.
    Modified Button Sets:
    Some buttons have been added to starcraft:
    -Worker Suicide (hotkey W)
    -Hold Position [for workers] (hotkey H)
    Music Player Controler:
    shows current artist and track name. Also shows the current position in the song and the song length
    -use the tracker bar to drag your playback location to somewhere different
    buttons at the bottom (from left to right):
    -rewind/skip backwards button
    --press this button to skip backwards
    --hold this button to rewind the current track
    -Play/Pause button
    --press this button to play/pause the current track
    -fast forward/skip forward button
    --press this button to skip to the next song
    --hold this button to fast forward the current track
    This control is only displayed if iTunes or WinAMP is detected. It also can be shown/hidden through the menubar.
    General window controls:
    -click and drag the top bar of a window to move it
    -right click the top bar of a window to toggle opacity
    -double click the top bar of a window to colapse/expand
    -left click buttons on the window to interact with it
    Spoofer Escape Sequences:
    Code: Select all
    sequence - explanation
    \ - creates a backslash (/)
    V - reverts to color code last used (won't work consecutively)
    B - sets the following characters to be blue
    G - sets the following characters to be green
    L - sets the following characters to be light green
    D - sets the following characters to be dark grey (color can't be changed again after this)
    W - sets the following characters to be white
    R - sets the following characters to be red
    X - sets the following characters to be black
    T - inserts a tab character
    C - inserts a center justify character
    J - inserts a right justify character
    n - inerts a new line character (note may cause problems with saving)
    xXXX - XXX is a 3 digit decimal number. This inserts the character with that ascii value
    New file locations:
    -Screen shots will now be in: <starcraft directory>Screenshots
    -Errors will now be in: <starcraft directory>ErrorsEpicsauce
    -Errors will now be seperated into txt files with version and timestamp on them
    File Explanations:
    Code: Select all
    Settings.ini - all configuration is done through this file. Changes only take effect when the hack is first injected
    Spoofs.txt - stores saved spoofs. Changes immediately take effect
    BanListNames.txt - stores saved banned names. Changes immediately take effect
    BanListIPs.txt - stores saved banned IPs. Changes Immediately take effect
    UnitAlert.txt - an additional configuration file for UnitAlert. Put the unit ID's of all the units you want to be alerted for in here. Changes immediately take effect.
    UpgradeAlert.txt - an additional configuration file for UpgradeAlert. Put the upgrade ID's of all the upgrades you want to be alerted for in here. Changes immediately take effect.
    TechAlert.txt - an additional configuration file for TechAlert. Put the tech ID's of all the technologies you want to be alerted for in here. Changes immediately take effect.



  9. Cheap Chat Log

    Upon loading this hack, all in-game chat text will permanently remain on screen, until it scrolls up and off the chat area.
    NOTE: Antivirus software may pop on this download due to the included file load.exe being packed using UPX. This is just a false alarm as many antivirus software are now sensitive to this packing process.



  10. nAuto Loader

    This little addon will allow you to have all of your hacks automatically inject into starcraft. You can have hacks inject at startup and other inject after logging into battle.net
    How To Use:
    1. extract the zip file to your Starcraft folder (most commonly C:Program FilesStarcraft)
    2. open up the Plugins Folder
    3. Put all hacks that you want to be injected when you start starcraft in the subfolder "AutoLoad". These hacks would be ones that have lockdown bypass like Epicsauce for instance
    4. Put all hacks that you want to be injected after you log into battle.net in the subfolder "LoadAtBnet". These hacks would be ones that don't have a lockdown bypass.
    5. Startup starcraft and have fun :grin:



  11. Epicsauce Plugin Kit

    This little tool is designed for epicsauce v1.07 and later. It will allow you to setup your starcraft to load epicsauce at start up making things much more convenient for you.
    How to use:
    extract the contents of the zip to your starcraft directory (most commonly C:Program FilesStarcraft) replacing the local.dll you currently have.
    Next download the latest version of epicsauce and extract it to your Epicsauce folder that is now in your starcraft directory.
    You're done! Now when you start up starcraft epicsauce will automatically load.
    If you ever want to remove Epicsauce or if a patch for starcraft is released you can download the original local.dll for starcraft 1.16.1 and replace the modified one with it



  12. SMapColorss

    Fog of war colors
    SMapColors.dll Created by Saken
    SMapColors.dll v1.0.0
    Starcraft Version v1.16.1
    I'll add more colors/features to this if anyone request them or something.
    Compatible with ZynMapHack *Dosen't work with full maphack only lite maphack and off*
    To improve this hack or to inject it, inject it during the GAME.
    Only if you can't get it to work when you injected in channel.
    Hotkeys: Game
    NUMPAD1 - Change fog of war colors *Its all differn't types of colors lines*
    NUMPAD2 - Change fog of war colors *Its all differn't types of colors lines*
    NUMPAD3 - Change fog of war colors *Its all differn't types of colors lines*
    NUMPAD4 - Change fog of war colors *Its all differn't types of colors lines*
    NUMPAD5 - Change fog of war colors *Its all differn't types of colors lines*
    NUMPAD5 - Change fog of war colors *Its all differn't types of colors lines*
    F5 - Turn map colors off
    Auto Stuff:
    Warden Proof - Warden Proof last checked 2/13/09
    MapColors - are off by default
    Namelessone666 - Hes overall cool :D.



  13. Ressurection

    A very well made multihack.
    Resurrection Final
    By: Antihaxer
    For: Starcraft 1.16.1
    Due to Warden after logging into bnet you will need to wait approx a minute for warden to be loaded. After a minute or so inject the hack and you will be able to play games with this hack injected only and get a win when you win and not a loss. This hack is undetectable as of 3/20/09. If you immediately inject after logging into to bnet you will crash. Remember to wait a minute!
    F11 - Toggles 4 state spell matrix
    F9 - Toggles 4 state stats hack
    F8 - Toggles Lag Defender
    F7 - Ping last nuke launch
    F6 - Toggles chat Logger
    F5 - Moves chat logger window to current mosue coordinates
    + Adds currently selected building to AutoQueue
    - Removes currently selected building from AutoQueue
    Del - Removes all buildings from AutoQueue
    In Game
    /statshack toggles stats hack Default on
    /unitalert toggles unit alert Default on
    /workercounter toggles worker counter Default on
    /timer toggles timer Default on
    /automine toggles automine Default on
    /clear makes stats hack window clear Default off
    /solid makes stats hack window solid Default off
    /off toggles stats hack window Default off
    /transparent makes stats hack window transparent Default on
    /anti toggles anti irridate Default on
    /repair toggles auto repair Default on
    /idle toggles idle worker count Default on
    /matrix toggles auto defense matrix Default on
    /shield toggles auto shield recharge Default on
    /palert toggles nuke and drop alerts Default on
    /autosi toggles AutoScarabInterceptor Default off
    /kill kills selected worker
    /load load all select units into dropships
    In Channel
    /spoof "name" spoofs your name up to 14 characters
    Other Features:
    - Show map download status at all times.
    - Save screenshots as bmps.
    - Worker idle count.
    - Sprite Counter
    - Worker counter
    - Larva spawn timer
    - In game timer
    - Automine
    - Auto worker create on game start
    - Host hack
    - Currently warden proof
    - Leader board automatically hidden when stats hack activated
    - Crash Protection
    - Drop Protection
    - Drop/Nuke alert with mini map ping and player name
    - 4 state stats hack Page 1:player name mins gas supply,Page 2:player name ally status zerg/terran/protoss supply Page 3:player # player name player ip player ping
    AutoMine: All 4 miners on the start of the game will be sent to harvest minerals from the closest patch. Each worker will harvest from a seperate patch. This feature also automatically makes a worker on the start of every game.
    AutoQueue: This feature automatically queues the last unit in the building continuously until you run out of resources/cancel the unit/turn off AutoQueue for the building. To add a building to AutoQueue simply select the building and press +. To remove you simply select the building and press -. To remove all buildings from the AutoQueue press Del.
    Auto Scv Repair: If anything mechanical within a 100 pixel radius of any idle scv is damaged then the scv is automatically sent to repair it. Everytime a unit/building is damaged one scv is sent to repair it if within the 100 pixel radius range and it is idle. For instance: if there is 5 idle scvs around a tank and it get damaged one time then one scv will go repair it. Not all five, however, if the tank is damaged 5 times then all 5 scvs will be sent to repair it. Pixel radius is configurable in the ini.
    Anti Irridate/Parasite: If a unit is irridated and damaged by it or is Parasited then it will suicide if it is a worker, if not then it will move to the coordinates 0,0.
    Auto Defense Matrix: If one of yours units is within a 600 pixel radius of a science vessel that has 100 energy and your unit is being attack and currently does not have a defense matrix shield then the science vessels will automatically give one to that unit. Pixel radius is configurable in the ini.
    Sprite Counter: There is a max of 1700 sprites that can be placed onto a map. After this happens you get the message that the map is maxed out. This counter shows you how many sprites there are so you know if the map is about to be maxed.
    Auto Reaver/Interceptor: If you have enough resources than whenever a reaver/carrier is not full of reavers/interceptors they will be automatically made.
    Chat Logger: Holds 50-100 in game chat messages depending on the length of the message. The chat logger is scrollable via buttons and moveable via the F5 key.
    Ping Alerts: If a player attempts to nuke/drop then the map is pinged and their name is displayed on screen. Drop alert is only for your enemies.
    dsg - <3<3<3
    Oz-Fire -testing
    iwannawin -testing
    Chaoschild91 -testing
    Salvinger -Helping me out with debugging and testing
    attilathedud - <3
    707 - <3
    kc - GetPlayerColor proc
    PizzaPan - Module hiding code
    Zyn -zMapHack



  14. AntiRessurection

    AntiRessurection with protection updated
    AntiRessurection.dll Created by Saken
    AntiRessurection.dll v1.0.1
    Starcraft Version v1.16.1
    Press the HOME button to drop all Ressurection users with one push of a button.
    Zynastor - ZLoader.exe
    Version log:
    Added beter text when dropping all Ressurection users
    Version log v1.0.1
    Bypass Ressurection anti-drop protection & detection *Works*



  15. CDKey Grabber

    Shows you your cd key.



  16. Anti

    Displays colored player names ingame based on ally status and shows if the player is hacking or legit.
    Alerts come up when a player attempts to drop, crash, or change your rally points. Does not display your name.
    JewFag - Testing
    Dark_Mage- - Testing



  17. Power Hack

    Spoofer and Flooder.
    What it does :
    Spoof Hack (Use the name of everybody in a game ! "Color accepted") :
    1. Start Starcraft, log on Battle.net and press Alt-Tab to go in Power-Hack
    2. Put the name you want to spoof in the text box (You can use color with the list box) and go back in Starcraft.
    3. Press F12 when you're in the chat room to run the spoofer.
    4. Each times you want to spoof, press F12 in the channel.
    Delay Decreaser Hack (Use it to not feel the lag in a game) :
    1. Press F9 to run it.
    2. Press F9 again to stop it.
    Flood Hack (Only for registered users) :
    1. Put the message you want to flood in the 1st text box.
    2. In the 2nd text box, put the delay between each repetition of the message.
    3. To use it, keep F8 pressed in game.
    What's new in this update ?
    Version 2.0.0 to 3.0.0 :
    * You don't need to press F11 in game anymore to not be banned because of the Spoof Hack.
    * There is a state bar in the bottom of Power-Hack to know the status of the Decreaser Hack.
    * The config file is now used as a Ini file.
    * New effect in the "About Power-Hack" window.
    * Your settings are now saved in the config file and are reloaded each times you open Power-Hack.
    Version 1.0.0 to 2.0.0 :
    * Flood hack added.



  18. scGuard

    Hacks detected by the Warden can be injected using scGuard and circumvent losses.
    The cow in the meadow says Moo!!
    - Extrace all files to any folder (ONCE)
    - Start Starcraft (Do _NOT_ connect to Battle.Net)
    - Alt+Tab to Desktop
    - Start scGuard.exe
    - Select Starcraft window and hit Install
    - Enjoy!
    Version History:
    Version 1.0.2:
    - Fixed an issue in the DLL loading code.
    Version 1.0.1:
    - Improved Offset detour code. Possibly that it will fail is very low.
    Version 1.0:
    - Initial Release



  19. Mass Load

    Load every unit of the currently selected type into drop shops with a simple command.
    You must select a unit and have empty drop ships for this command to work. Select a unit and type /load. All units of that type will be automatically loaded into empty drop ships. A message will come up displaying how many units were attempted to be loaded.



  20. [BROKEN/PATCHED] iCCup Hack Bypass

    iCCup bypassing software.
    iCCup bypassing software. Allows users to use 3rd party programs of their choice on iCCup servers.
    As you all know, iCCup was designed for StarCraft competition, but they were too strict and rejected
    harmless 3rd party software being loaded with the game. This software is the cure for that restriction and
    will allow you to use as much 3rd party software as you'd like (as long as they are compatible with each other)!
    - StarCraft or Brood War patched to v1.16.1
    - An x86/x64 CPU
    - A modern Windows-NT based operating system (XP and above). Both x86 and x64 are supported.
    - Microsoft® Visual C++ 2008 Runtime (x86), can be found here:
    - Microsoft® .NET Framework v2.0 (minimum), can be found here:
    Tested with:
    - Apocalypse v4.02 - The Ultimate StarCraft Multihack
    - QUnit
    - EliteControl v1.9 (normal mode)
    - Zynastor's Oblivion v4.01
    1. Load StarCraft/Brood War with iCCup Launcher with anti-hack enabled.
    2. Inject the iCCupKiller module with LoaderX or other loader before loading other 3rd party modules.
    3. Load other 3rd party modules.
    4. Login to iCCup's custom battle.net.
    5. Create/join a game.
    6. After the game starts, you should see a Startup message. If you do not,
    this version of iCCupKiller may be outdated and needs to be updated.
    7. Enjoy using 3rd party software on StarCraft/Brood War with anti-hack on ;)
    [For those of you who still don't get it, that means maphack away!]
    Copyright © 2009 Ultimate Filez



  21. FH Preview 01 - ASC.dll

    FH Preview - 01 ASC.dllAltered Starcraft Cursor
    This hack changes the behavior of the Starcraft Cursor so that you can change it to whatever cursor you want.



  22. Starcraft 1.16.1 Blacklist 4.3

    Allow to auto blacklist user names and Ip addressAuto bans all accounts



  23. FaceRemover

    Removes useally screen stuff + Latency Spammer.
    Made by Saken
    Starcraft/Broodwar 1.16.1
    This simply removes the "You must explore there first." Messages and other thats
    relates to this subject example "You must build a pylon there." will be remove
    also and more.
    Also use F6 for spamming latency since this is public. It only spams 5 per press. Private
    is more sexier :D.



  24. BasicMC /Sniper Tool

    Sniper tool added/worker multicommand
    BasicMC.dll by Saken v1.0.1
    Starcraft / Broodwar v1.16.1
    Sniper follower:
    To use this tool you must select your sniper and type "/fs 3-5" and it will follow
    that sniper everywhere it go. You will NOT get dropped for using this tool. So think
    of it like a non maphack but the sniper goes to the player sniper.
    Commands Game:
    /wstop - All workers will automaticlly stop
    /wattack - All workers will attack where your mouse is
    /wmove - All workers will move where your mouse is
    /estop - Every unit will stop
    /eattack - Every unit will attack where your mouse is
    /emove - Every unit will move where your mouse is
    Commands Sniper Game: Works on any Sniper that supports 6 players
    /fs3 - Follow player 3 Sniper
    /fs4 - Follow player 4 Sniper
    /fs5 - Follow player 5 Sniper
    Jiggie - for some functions.
    Zynastor - for his awsome zloader/selection hack



  25. HateWarden

    read the readme
    HateWarden.dll created by Saken -
    Starcraft/Broodwar (v1.16.1) -
    Hack Version: v1.0.0b -
    This hack is enable once injected. Simpely when you get disconnected by battle.net when "Your connection to battle.net has been lost." comes up
    everyone in the game will auto leave the game / disconnect from the game.



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