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Atomic.dll v1.0.6

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About This File

Remove games, limit games, and black screen fix


Atmoic.dll v1.0.6

Made By Dew


Explain: Channel ONLY

Type /remove (toggle) - To remove the games you join

Type /limiter (toggle) - To make it so that no one else join the game, only you and host.

Type /bfix (toggle) - To make the black screen of death disappear

Type /ahelp - For a complete list of commands





*The game is removed from the list

*The host is temp banned




*The game is only limited to you and host

*Anybody that attempts to join will be banned automatically

*The host doesn't know you are making his game, limited

*Every attempted person to join the game is temp banned too


@Automatic (Upon Injection):

*When you host a game it becomes a crash game. (Do /where yourname to see what game you in)

*Log in and out with hack injected





Valkaire - for battle.net module detection

Allah - for details on how astat flooding works

PeeWee2000 - for testing and ideas

Hellinsect - for helping me in C++ , even though I started this in assembly

PizzaPan - Module hiding code
