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Status Updates posted by XGhozt

  1. Morning peeps, off the work. ^_^

  2. Welcome to the new site. :)

  3. w00t - Loving the new Gc.

  4. Thanks for stopping by. :)

  5. Please note the time zone difference, we'll launch at 12AM PST.

  6. Yeah! Got all the old links in the posts pointing to the new downloads system!

  7. Just converted our downloads system to IP.Downloads. Nice.

  8. Sweet, figured out how to import the old downloads system database into the new one. Means we're that much closer!

  9. VIP Soutbox is back, among other things.

  10. Looking forward to the IPB 3.1 release!

  11. set a background to your profile :)

  12. Thanks for the suggestion TriggerrHappy! Donation button added to the maintenance page. http://maintenance.Ghoztcraft.net/

  13. Where'd you go? o.0

  14. Alright, ready for some help, shoot me a message people!

  15. Wireless power is old news my friend. And I don't remember arguing with you. I've been talking about wireless power since 2005.

  16. I'm on MSN.. been on pretty much all day bro. :)

  17. hey.. msg me please?

  18. Give them my email, and/or my IM. (the guy who wants my floaty thingy)

  19. HEY.. wc3 just patched foo
