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Files posted by ViperSRT3g

  1. scloader2b_wmode

    This program can run Starcraft in a window, along with no CD.
    This program is able to run Starcraft in a window as well as without a CD. Extract this program to your Starcraft folder, and set the following as your target for the shortcut to this program.
    NOTE: This website's parsing deletes backslash characters so remember to add them in the appropriate places in the following file paths.
    C: if you installed starcraft to it's default location.
    "C:Program FilesStarcraftscloader2b.exe" -xmod wmode.xmod
    NOTE: Windows Vista 64bit machines must use this path:
    "C:Program Files (x86)Starcraftscloader2b.exe" -xmod wmode.xmod



  2. Oblivion

    Oblivion.dll v3.1.3 for Starcraft Brood War v1.15.3. - Released: November 9th, 2008
    Quick Reference of Hotkeys
    - In-Game
    F5 Toggle lag defender on/off. (Removes lag box screen)
    F6 Use zerg mineral exploit on selected larva, hydralisk or mutalisk.
    Ctrl + F6 Use zerg building recycle exploit on selected hatchery, lair, spire or creep colony.
    F7 Carry out last build command on selected worker. (Useful for stacking maps)
    F8 Add/Remove unit for auto queue.
    Ctrl + F8 Remove all units for auto queue.
    F9 Toggle global auto queue on/off.
    Ctrl + F9 Toggle subunit auto queue on/off.
    F11 Toggle elapsed timer mode forwards.
    Ctrl + F11 Toggle elapsed timer mode backwards.
    F12 Toggle five-state stat hack forwards.
    Ctrl + F12 Toggle five-state stat hack backwards.
    ~ / Alt Select all units of the same type that are currently selected. (Excludes workers)
    Ctrl + ~ / Alt Same as above but is used for workers and loaded transports/overlords.
    Ctrl + F Find and select idle worker.
    Ctrl + R Toggle auto repeat for any game action. (Move, upgrade, etc)
    Ctrl + H Command selected units to hold position.
    Numpad 0 Use the drone float exploit. (Continues as long as button is held)
    Delete Toggle in-game message log.
    Ctrl + Delete Change page for message log.
    Pause Pause/Resume game.
    Insert Toggle three-state maphack forwards.
    Ctrl + Insert Toggle three-state maphack backwards.
    - Lobby
    Page Up / Down Download status spoofer. (Increase / Decrease)
    Quick Reference of Commands
    - In-Game
    /unally [num] Unually player. (Useful for locked teams or once a player has left)
    /list Show a list of players in the game with player id and race.
    /xlist Show players who have used zerg mineral hack, nuke anywhere and/or rally point hack.
    /kill Kill selected workers.
    /load Load selected units into transports/overlords.
    /rally Restore all rally points to default.
    /mining Display how much workers each player has mining minerals.
    - In-Game + Lobby
    /autodrop Toggle auto-drop for mineral/nuke/rally hackers on/off. (Default: on)
    /mh [num] Set maphack state. (1=off, 2=lite, 3=full)
    /sh Toggle selection hack on/off.
    /builda Toggle build anywhere on/off.
    /warning Toggle warning messages on/off.
    /apm Toggle on-screen apm counter on/off.
    /tclicks Toggle maphack target clicks on/off.
    /frepeat Toggle faster repeat on/off. (Used with Ctrl+R to speed it up)
    /automine Toggle worker auto mine on/off.
    /unitalert Toggle unit alert on/off.
    /nukealert Toggle nuclear missile alert on/off.
    /dropalert Toggle dropship alert on/off.
    /autounally Toggle auto unally on/off.
    /actlog Toggle in-game action logger on/off.
    - Channel
    /spoof [name] Spoof a custom name. (Supports color)
    /spoof [num] Spoof a saved name. (1 to 5)
    /sn [num] Save current spoof name. (1 to 5)
    /dn [num] Delete spoof name from list. (1 to 5)
    /ln List saved spoof names.
    /rn Restore spoofed name to original name.
    /cn Display current spoofed name.
    /ar Toggle auto respoof on/off. (Default on)
    /home Join home channel. (Set home channel in Oblivion.ini)
    /uptime Display current system and Oblivion uptime.
    /dls Toggle 100% download status spoof on/off. (Default: off)
    - Global
    /r [msg] Reply back to the last person who messaged you.
    /wb [msg] Whisper back to the last person that you messaged.
    Other Features
    Drophack protection with counter drop for ZDropHack method.
    Drophack detection with auto-drop for another method of drophack. (This is not protection)
    Host identifier for lobby. (Host has red download status)
    Start a game without any opponents.
    Stay in game even after being defeated.
    Auto refresher for hosted game. (game is refreshed every 5 seconds)
    Slot unlocker for lobby. (Remove computer player(s) and go them yourself)
    In-game system and elapsed timers.
    Show map download status at all times.
    Save screenshots as bitmap's rather than PCX.
    Build anywhere on just about any terrain. (Vision must be off in UMS map)
    Selection hack with mass select hotkey.
    Maphack with safe clicks and state hack.
    Nuclear missile alert with map ping on nuke attempt. (Not launch)
    Dropship alert on unload with map ping.
    Ally alert with auto unally/unvision.
    Configurable unit alert. (only alerts on enemy units)
    Zerg mineral hack with auto cancel, crash protection and user detection. (Alerts once)
    Nuke anywhere hack detection with auto-drop. (Alerts once)
    Rally point changer hack detection with auto-drop. (Alerts once)
    Carrier/Reaver subunit crash protection with detection.
    In-game message log thats holds upto 32 messages.
    Channel, lobby and in-game chat logger.
    Automatically re-queue units. (Auto queue)
    Automatically create a worker on map begin.
    Automatically mine minerals on map begin.
    Automatically mine minerals on unit create.
    Automatically gain lobby ops. (Host hack)
    Alliance menu player names are in ally status color.
    Color player name notifications. (Pause/leave/latency change)
    Lag screen box timer always set to 1 second. (safe quick drop)
    On-screen map max counter. (400=default, Oblivion.ini to config)
    On-screen worker idle detection.
    Show enemy minimap pings.
    Minimap pings are in player color. (Yellow is unknown/default)
    Player colored minimap pings.
    Name spoofer with temp ip ban protection.
    Auto join home channel on battle.net login.
    Remove warning messages. (Unit unplaceable)
    Sprite crash protection. (Protects against invalid sprites)
    Auto-hide leaderboard when stats hack is on. (Oblivion.ini to turn off)
    Bypass anti-hack protection when connecting to battle.net.
    Warden fix. (Stops the losses when you win)
    Name Spoofer Codes
    B Blue.
    G Green.
    L Light Green.
    D Dark Grey. (Later text cannot be changed)
    W White.
    R Red.
    I Invisible/Black.
    T Tab.
    C Center justify.
    V Right justify.
    Version 3.1.3
    - Added warden fix to stop the losses.
    - Made some changes to auto-mine.
    Donations can be sent to PayPal: [email protected]
    There is now auto-drop for the Zerg Mineral Hack,
    so its recommended that you don't use this feature in public games
    unless you want to take a chance.



  3. Oblivion v3.0.4

    Oblivion.dll v3.0.4 coded by Zynastor
    Oblivion.dll v3.0.4 coded by Zynastor
    Updates available at http://www.bwhacks.com
    For Starcraft/Brood War 1.15.1
    Release date: January 3rd, 2008
    Oblivion must be loaded before entering a game and is not recommended for use in ladder games.
    1. General Information
    Quick Reference of Hotkeys
    - In-Game
    F5 Toggle lag defender on/off. (Removes lag box screen)
    F6 Use zerg mineral hack exploit on selected larva, hydralisk or mutalisk.
    Ctrl + F6 Use zerg building recycle exploit on selected hatchery, lair, spire or creep colony.
    F8 Add/Remove unit for auto queue.
    Ctrl + F8 Remove all units for auto queue.
    F9 Toggle global auto queue on/off.
    Ctrl + F9 Toggle subunit auto queue on/off.
    F11 Toggle elapsed timer mode forwards.
    Ctrl + F11 Toggle elapsed timer mode backwards.
    F12 Toggle five-state stat hack forwards.
    Ctrl + F12 Toggle five-state stat hack backwards.
    ~ / Alt Select all units of the same type that are currently selected.
    Numpad 0 Use the drone float exploit. (Continues as long as button is held)
    Delete Toggle in-game message log.
    Pause Pause/Resume game.
    Ctrl + F Find and select idle worker.
    Insert Toggle three-state maphack forwards.
    Ctrl + Insert Toggle three-state maphack backwards.
    - Lobby
    Page Up / Down Download status spoofer. (Increase / Decrease)
    End Refresh the game you are hosting so its on top.
    Quick Reference of Commands
    - In-Game
    /list Show a list of players in the game with player id and race.
    /zlist Show a list of players who have used zerg mineral hack exploit.
    /kill Kill selected workers.
    /hold Command selected units to hold position.
    /rally Restore all rally points to default.
    /mining Display how much workers you have mining minerals.
    - In-Game + Lobby
    /mh [num] Set maphack state. (1=off, 2=lite, 3=full)
    /sh Toggle selection hack on/off.
    /builda Toggle build anywhere on/off.
    /warning Toggle warning messages on/off.
    /tclicks Toggle maphack target clicks on/off.
    /automine Toggle worker auto mine on/off.
    /unitalert Toggle unit alert on/off.
    /nukealert Toggle nuclear missile alert on/off.
    /dropalert Toggle dropship alert on/off.
    /autounally Toggle auto unally on/off.
    /actlog Toggle in-game action logger on/off.
    - Channel
    /spoof [name] Spoof a custom name. (Supports color)
    /spoof [num] Spoof a saved name. (1 to 5)
    /sn [num] Save current spoof name. (1 to 5)
    /ln List saved spoof names.
    /rn Restore spoofed name to original name.
    /cn Display current spoofed name.
    /ar Toggle auto respoof on/off. (Default on)
    /home Join home channel. (Set home channel in Oblivion.ini)
    /uptime Display current system and Oblivion uptime.
    Other Features
    Start a game without any opponents.
    Stay in game even after being defeated.
    In-game system and elapsed timers.
    Show map download status at all times.
    Save screenshots as bitmap's rather than PCX.
    Build anywhere on any terrain for stacking UMS maps.
    Selection hack with mass select hotkey.
    Maphack with safe clicks and state hack.
    Nuclear missile alert with map ping on nuke attempt. (not launch)
    Dropship alert on unload with map ping.
    Ally alert with auto unally/unvision.
    Configurable unit alert. (only alerts on enemy units)
    Zerg mineral hack exploit detection. (alerts once)
    Channel, lobby and in-game chat logger.
    Automatically re-queue units. (auto queue)
    Automatically create a worker on map begin.
    Automatically mine minerals on map begin.
    Automatically mine minerals on unit create.
    Automatically gain lobby ops. (host hack)
    Alliance menu player names are in ally status color.
    Lag screen box timer always set to 1 second. (safe quick drop)
    On-screen worker idle detection.
    Show enemy minimap pings.
    Minimap pings are in player color. (yellow is unknown/default)
    Player colored minimap pings.
    Name spoofer with temp ip ban protection.
    Auto join home channel on battle.net login.
    Zerg mineral exploit with auto cancel and crash protection.
    Drop hack protection with counter drop for leaked ZDropHack.
    Warning messages are disabled. (Unit unplaceable messages)
    Bypass anti-hack protection when connecting to battle.net.
    Name Spoofer Codes
    \B Blue.
    \G Green.
    \L Light Green.
    \D Dark Grey. (Later text cannot be changed)
    \W White.
    \R Red.
    \I Invisible/Black.
    \T Tab.
    \C Center justify.
    \V Right justify.
    2. Detailed Information
    Safe Mode
    This will automatically disable several features in Oblivion to make it fully undetectabe to programs such as BWChart. Safe mode disables Stay alive, Drone float, Zerg mineral hack exploit, Zerg building recycle exploit, Maphack target clicks, Auto build, Auto mine, Auto queue, Selection hack and Restore rally points command.
    Zerg Mineral Hack Exploit
    Provides you with 514 minerals each time this exploit is used on Larva, Hydralisk or Mutalisk, it may also have different effects on the game when used in UMS games. This also comes with auto cancel and crash protection for units that were never canceled and hatched.
    Zerg Building Recycle Exploit
    Gives you back a drone when used on a Hatchery, Lair, Spire or Creep Colony. You will require 514 minerals + mutating cost to use this exploit, but you will only gain some of your resources back when canceled.
    Selection Hack
    Allows you to group and select upto 252 units or buildings of the same type and displays an on-screen unit counter when selecting over 12 units. Use the mass select hotkey ~ / Alt to select all units of the same type that you have currently selected.
    Auto Queue
    Automatically re-queues units once their built, you can add/remove units for auto queue by using the hotkey F8 or Ctrl + F8 to remove all units. To toggle on/off global auto queue for all buildings use the hotkey F9 and for Subunit auto queue use the hotkey Ctrl + F9, if toggled on Scarabs/Interceptors will begin construction immediately until full and will replenish any lost units in combat.
    This maphack includes safe clicks (client-sided clicks), state hack (view pylon power radius, unit content, upgrades, researches, summonings, energy, build queue) and has three different modes which are full, lite and off, these modes can be toggled using the /mh command or the hotkeys Insert or Ctrl + Insert. However it is still possible for maphack to be detected through invisible target clicks (right clicks), so this feature has been disabled by default and can be toggled on with the /tclicks command.
    Name Spoofer
    Comes with temp ip ban protection and will allow you to spoof a name of your choice that is 24 characters or less, use the command /spoof in a channel followed by the name you want. To add color to your name use the escape sequence character ' \ ' followed by a color code found under Name Spoofer Codes. It is important to know when spoofing a name if you win or lose it will result in a disconnect on your record, this is no bug and cannot be fixed. Heres an example on how to add color to your name, "/spoof \RZyna\Bstor" this will show your name as "<Red>Zyna<Blue>stor".
    3. History
    Version 3.0.4
    - Added oblivion safe mode feature.
    - Added name saving to name spoofer.
    - Added configuration option for selection hack.
    - Fixed a bug with selection hack.
    - Fixed several other minior bugs.
    Version 3.0.3
    - Added zerg building recycle exploit.
    - Added zerg mineral hack exploit detection.
    - Added view pylon power radius to state hack.
    - Fixed a crash bug with selection hack when adding units to a group.
    Version 3.0.2c
    - Fixed a minor bug caused from v3.0.2b update.
    Version 3.0.2b
    - Added toggle command for warning messages.
    - Fixed a bug with chat logger when disabled.
    - Fixed a bug with selection hack counter not showing.
    Version 3.0.2
    - Added selection hack with mass select hotkey.
    - Added build anywhere on any terrain for stacking UMS maps.
    - Added hotkey to pause/resume game.
    - Added configuration option for auto build.
    - Added configuration option for 1 sec lag box timer hack.
    - Removed multicommand.
    - Fixed a crash bug with chat logger.
    - Fixed a crash bug with message log.
    - Fixed a bug with message log not working in replays.
    - Automine now works in UMS maps.
    - Subunit auto queue is now on by default in UMS maps.
    Version 3.0.1b
    - Fixed a bug with automine on create.
    - Fixed a crash bug with hold command.
    - Fixed a crash bug with mining command.
    Version 3.0.1
    - Added show enemy minimap pings.
    - Added player colored minimap pings.
    - Added worker mining count command.
    - Added multicommand stay on mode.
    - Fixed a crash bug with dropship alert.
    Version 3.0.0b
    - Added sound when toggling multicommand.
    - Fixed a crash bug when pausing the game.
    Version 3.0.0
    - New version of Oblivion for patch 1.15.1.
    4. Contact and Credits
    Chaoschild91 - Beta tester for v3.0.0.
    ViperGTSR3g - Beta tester for v3.0.2.
    Palomino - Various source codes and auto queue.
    PizzaPan - From Game-Deception for PEB module hiding.
    Require help or want to report a bug with Oblivion?
    Contact Zynastor at [email protected] or goto http://www.bwhacks.com
    Copyright © 2007 by Zynastor. All rights reserved.
    Starcraft/Brood War Copyright © by Blizzard Entertainment®.



  4. Mineral Statz

    This program displays team resources for the game MineralZ Evolution.



  5. HOLZED v1.2.fix

    Crazy CS:S Hack
    | |
    | HOLZED v1.2.fix by Holz (07-29-2007) |
    | |
    | Features: |
    | |
    | - Aimbot |
    | - Aimbot |
    | - Autoshoot |
    | - Aimteam |
    | - FOV |
    | - Aimbox |
    | - Aimthrough |
    | - Silent Aim |
    | - Friendsguard |
    | |
    | - ESP |
    | - ESP |
    | - Name |
    | - Health |
    | - Entity |
    | |
    | - Misc |
    | - Wallhack |
    | - Speedhack |
    | - Crosshair |
    | - Bunnyhop |
    | - Winamp |
    | - Clock |
    | - No Flash/Smoke |
    | - Spinbot |
    | - Knifebot |
    | - No Recoil |
    | - No Spread |
    | - Radarhack |
    | - Menukey |
    | - Panickey |
    | - Speedkey |
    | - Winampkey |
    | |
    | |
    | How To Use: |
    | |
    | 1. Execute the loader (holzed.exe) |
    | 2. Launch Counter-Strike: Source |
    | 3. Hit insert for the menu, navigate via the arrow keys |
    | |
    | Credits & Greetings (in alphabetical order): |
    | |
    | #k @ irc.rizon.net |
    | |
    | [JAPS]aBSoLute |
    | [JAPS]Illusi0nZ |
    | [JAPS]theoo |
    | [PM]CampStaff |
    | anarx |
    | Anni |
    | b2k5 |
    | belink |
    | bi0s |
    | boecke |
    | burN |
    | ChrischMC |
    | Dr. Oetker |
    | DrUnKeN ChEeTaH |
    | finate |
    | Frayst |
    | Game Deception |
    | Gordon` |
    | h1web |
    | j1gs4w |
    | KizZamP |
    | LanceVorgin |
    | LiX |
    | madd1n |
    | MattDog |
    | nazze |
    | Paleface |
    | Patrick |
    | PizzaPan |
    | pr0x |
    | randomjester |
    | s0beit |
    | seren1ty |
    | sk0r |
    | SpawnZ |
    | strife |
    | takedown |
    | taurine |
    | Tetsuo |
    | the_faith01 |
    | timon |
    | v3n0m4 |
    | Xanad |
    | xgx |



  6. Fastest Possible Map VIP

    THE Best Fastest Map you will ever play. 50 Minerals per base, as well as 8 geysers. Improved base layout for more competitive play.Brought to you by VIP Productions.
    Fastest Possible Map VIP is indeed THE fastest map ever. Improved base layout and design, as well as perfect base alignment helps this map take off at blinding speed. The map will automatically give you a Nuclear Explosion sound when it has finished downloading onto your computer.
    Brought to you by VIP Productions.



  7. Starcraft Key Changer

    Starcraft Key Changer by kmx /MYTH
    A CD Key Changer for Starcraft



  8. Starcraft Hacks (Koolest Spammer)

    A useful spammer.
    This hack can spam macros for you, or spam whatever you want.



  9. Build Anywhere Hack

    Simply inject and you'll be able to build anywhere on the map while stacking.



  10. CDKeyBuddy v1.05

    Awesome CD Key Grabber for 1.16.1.
    Inject the hack at any time to view your Starcraft CDKey and the name used when installing.



  11. Genesis Maphack v2.05

    A Maphack by Permaphrost
    Genesis Maphack v2.05 by Perma
    Custom Game Maphack for Warcraft III v1.21
    1. Getting Started
    How to use:
    Start Warcraft as you normally would. To start the maphack, simply run Launcher.exe. It is recommended that you close the launcher window after the maphack has been injected successfully. To switch between maphack states during a game, simply press the F5 key. To permanently toggle health bars on or off, press Alt+Shift.
    Maphack Features:
    For use in custom games only. Detected in ladder.
    Three modes for gameplay; off, strategic, and full.
    Removes the fog of war on the main map and minimap.
    Displays all enemy units and buildings, neutral units, shops, invisible units.
    Allows hover and selection of enemy units.
    Displays enemy cooldowns, hero inventory, and building states.
    Displays enemy resources.
    Displays hero levels and gold mine information.
    Displays enemy hero progression bar and skills.
    Displays opponent pings on the minimap.
    Allows you to toggle unit health bars on and off by pressing Alt+Shift.
    Modes can be changed with the F5 key.
    2. Frequent Troubleshooting Issues
    What are modes?
    Modes are different states of the maphack that can be cycled through with the F5 key. The default mode is set to Off Mode. The next mode in the cycle is called Strategic Mode and it allows you to view all units but only reveals fog for each player's vision. This means that you can see how far another player will be able to see. This is very useful for situations where seeing through fog could easily reveal that you're maphacking, or for seeing the range of certain enemy units. The final mode is Full Mode and this reveals everything, everywhere. All of these modes are safe to use on ladder.
    When I try to load the maphack, I get an error message.
    This is probably caused by the permissions on your user account. Users who are running Windows Vista will be required to right-click on the file and select "Run as an administrator". Also, the loader does not function correctly on Windows 95/98/Me. You will be required to use a different loader of your choice in order to start Genesis if you are on these operating systems.
    3. File and Legal Information
    This maphack was recently detected. Do not use in ladder games. I take no responsibility for what you do with this hack, and will not replace CD keys if used in ladder games.
    2.05 [May 25th, 2007]
    - Fixed a bug that would cause a crash when selecting enemy buildings.
    - Fixed an issue with the hack toggling at random times.
    - Changed the name of the hack to Genesis.
    - Removed the user authentication system and update system.
    2.04 [April 29th, 2007]
    - Changed the server address to correct a serious authentication error.
    2.03 [March 23rd, 2007]
    - Added display of opponent pings on the minimap.
    - Added the display of hero and unit skills.
    - Added a news system to the loader.
    - Added a new user interface to the loader.
    - Added the ability to change the loader window name.
    - Changed strategic mode to now reveal player fields of vision as well as all units.
    - Fixed an issue with key decryption that caused a fatal error on startup.
    - Fixed a bug that would not restore the fog when the maphack was turned off.
    - Fixed a bug that would not download the readme with automatic synchronization.
    - Fixed an issue with the loader that would not attach Zerocraft on some systems.
    - Fixed several bugs in the loader that would not use default values if no values were present.
    2.02 [March 7th, 2007]
    - Added the ability to differentiate between real and fake Blademaster images.
    - Added a text alert when the maphack state is changed.
    - Added a number of new internal security features.
    - Performed a scheduled rework of most hooks.
    - Fixed a bug in the loader that would not select a default window name if one was not specified.
    2.01 [February 25th, 2007]
    - Added vision of hero level progression.
    - Added vision of enemy building states.
    - Added the ability to see enemy items in their inventories.
    - Added automatic version synchronization.
    - Replaced old loader with a custom loader for Zerocraft.
    2.00 [February 20th, 2007]
    - Added an improved version checking system.
    - Added an authentication system.
    - Reworked several functions and security features.
    1.09 [February 2nd, 2007]
    - Added a feature that allows you to push Alt+Shift to permanently toggle health bars on or off.
    - Changed the version assignment slightly.
    - Added a segment randomizer to prevent hashing.
    - Added more support information to the readme.
    1.0.8 [January 28th, 2007]
    - Fixed a bug that didn't display gold mines or shops on the minimap.
    - Fixed a conflict with antivirus applications.
    - Added the ability to see enemy resources when selected.
    - Added a third mode to the maphack.
    - Added a module hiding routine to remove the DLL from the system's module lists.
    - Reworked much of the code to ease functionality.
    1.0.7 [January 23rd, 2007]
    - Fixed a bug with hero selection.
    - Removed enemy unit circles as the source wasn't mine.
    - Removed enemy rally point view as the source wasn't mine.
    - Made modifications to the maphack base hooks to prevent detection.
    1.0.6 [January 22nd, 2007]
    - Converted the maphack to version 1.21 of Warcraft.
    1.0.5 [January 21st, 2007]
    - Added a feature to show what units or buildings enemy players have selected.
    - Added a feature to display building rally points.
    - Added colors for selection rings to match player colors.
    - Fixed a bug with displaying invisible units on the minimap.
    - Added automatic notification when a new version is available.
    - Removed error framework in favor of update notification.
    1.0.4 [January 13th, 2007]
    - Fixed a bug that delayed loading of the hack.
    - Fixed a crash caused under certain circumstances by undead blight.
    1.0.3 [January 11th, 2007]
    - Reworked security functions to prevent an error upon injection that some users were experiencing.
    - Added automatic error reporting framework to help report bugs.
    - Removed the necessity to have a username or password.
    - Changed the hotkey to F5.
    1.0.2 [January 1st, 2007]
    - Hooked a function to manually draw invisible units such as shadowmelded night elves or heroes with invisibility.
    - Hooked a function to allow selection of enemy units and tooltips.
    - Fixed a bug that would cause some units to disappear randomly.
    1.0.1 [December 29th, 2006]
    - Fixed a bug that would cause the black mask to return when the maphack was toggled, even if the area was explored.
    - Fixed a bug that prevented undead blight from displaying.
    1.0.0 [December 28th, 2006]
    - Initial build.
    Beta testing:
    Special thanks:
    Shadowfrench - Ideas and support.
    Zynastor - Inspiration, moral support.
    PizzaPan - Information on PEB module hiding in assembly.
    Iczelion - Various tutorials on Win32 assembly programming.
    Copyright © 2007 Perma Online Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Support available: http://www.bwhacks.com



  12. Cobra Spoofer v2.02

    The best Starcraft Name Spoofer ever made.
    Cobra Spoofer v2.0 is the culmination of a year's worth of brain storming and development. It features name spoofing for every patch of Starcraft, supports colors, provides automatic temp ban protection, and auto respoof.



  13. Cobra Spoofer v1.00

    This spoofer is a multihack that comes with many great features!
    Cobra Spoofer v1.00
    Hot Keys
    F12 - Spoof Name
    F11 - Temp Ban protection
    F3 - Latency Spammer
    F2 - Pause Hack
    Insert - Spammer
    Always remember to press F11 after joining a game, and F12 before joining a game to spoof your name.
    Grab CDKey feature - Click when Starcraft Brood War is at the login screen
    (Grab CD Key) Include Dashes - Breaks up your CD Key into the 4-5-4 digit number groups
    Set Password - If you are the host of a game, you are able to change the password of your game without having to remake it.
    Add Name - Temporarily adds currently displayed name in the dropdown box to the list
    Set Name - Sets the displayed text in the dropdown box to the set Name Spoof
    Delete Name - Not Enabled for this version
    [ Toggleables ] - Displays the toggleable features in this spoofer
    Host Hack - Click to enable/disable the standard Host Hack
    DL Status Display - Click to enable/disable the basic Download Status Display Hack
    No Opponents - Click to enable/disable the standard no opponents hack
    Chat Log - Keeps all messages displayed onscreen
    Pause Option 1 - Prevents SC from changing to black and white mode when paused
    Pause Option 2 - Prevents SC from changing to colored mode when unpaused
    Stay Alive - Lets you stay in the game even after you've been defeated
    [ Private Features ] - Displays all the private features of this spoofer
    Pause Hack Info - Displays information about the Pause Hack
    Spammer Info - Displays information about the spammer
    Automatic Features
    Automatic Home Channel Join
    Autoloads personal spoof list
    Automatically displays the game host, game name, and player list of the game lobby
    Automatically displays spoofed status on joining a game (Spoofed if you have not pressed F11 yet)
    Included Files
    Colors.txt - Holds all the colors you can use to add to your spoofed name
    Spoofs.txt - This is your personal list of spoofs, you can add as many spoofs as you want to this list (I have already included two spoofs everyone can use ^^)
    ChPath.ini - This is what your home channel will be set to when you start up this hack, you can change it at any time.
    SCBWPath.ini - This is your Starcraft Directory, configure it to match where you have your Starcraft installed.
    LCSBSSRHXXX - Basic Name Spoofer Layout
    ShadowFrench - Name Spoof management
    Viper's Cobra Spoofer v1.00.exe created by ViperSRT3g © 2008
    Starcraft/Brood War Copyright © by Blizzard Entertainment®.



  14. Inhale

    Inhale provides a standard maphack for Starcraft/Brood War 1.15.1.
    iNHALE v2.0.5
    For Starcraft/Brood War 1.15.1
    Made by dt
    Read the online readme at:



  15. Brood War - Host Hack

    Brood War - Host HackArtmoney Table
    This file was first released on:
    Hope you like it DUI_ :P
    This Artmoney table is a working host hack.
    Hot Keys
    Alt+Q Host Hack On
    Alt+1 Enable Slot 0
    Alt+2 Enable Slot 1
    Alt+3 Enable Slot 2
    Alt+4 Enable Slot 3
    Alt+5 Enable Slot 4
    Alt+6 Enable Slot 5
    Alt+7 Enable Slot 6
    Alt+8 Enable Slot 7
    When you join a game, press Alt+Q to enable the host hack. If people join after you enable the host hack, you will be able to ban them.
    If you wish to be able to kick someone that had joined the game before you, simply find their slot number, and press the corresponding hotkey.
    The first slot in the game lobby is slot 0, the second is slot 1, so on and so forth.
    In order for you to use this hack, you will have to have Artmoney running on your computer. To download artmoney please visit the Artmoney website here: http://www.artmoney.ru/
    The download page is here: http://www.artmoney.ru/e_download.htm
    How to load this table
    1. Download and install Artmoney.
    2. Run Artmoney.
    3. Start up Starcraft
    4. Select Brood War from Artmoney's Select Process drop down box (Located just below the Search, Filter, and Option Buttons).
    5. Click Load at the bottom of the Artmoney window, and load this artmoney table.
    6. Read the instructions on how to use this above.
    And your set to go!
    I hope this does not anger DT to ban me from BWHacks since this is a malicious "Hack"
    Thanks to p00onu for answering all of my questions to the best of his abilities.
    Artmoney Table created by ViperGTSR3g
    Starcraft/Brood War Copyright © by Blizzard Entertainment®.
    Artmoney Copyright © 1996-2007, System SoftLab



  16. Friend Follower

    Follow your friends on Bnet with just a simple right click of your mouse!
    This program will let you follow your friends on Bnet simply by right clicking your mouse anywhere in the channel after your friends join a game.



  17. KM9

    Korean Mineral Hack Detector
    [1.15.1] KM9 v1.0.7
    [ À̹ø¹öÀüÀÇ Ãß°¡µÈ ³»¿ë ]
    1. ÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º ¼öÁ¤
    [ ±â´É ¹× ´ÜÃàÅ° ]
    ÀÚµ¿ - Àú±×¹Ì³×¶öÇÙ °¨Áö
    [ Public Site ]
    [ Private Site ]
    Made by Death_Lion



  18. WC3Banlist3.0

    Banlist for Warcraft 3
    Lets you ban people from either a shared banlist or a local banlist, and has many more great features.



  19. Viper's 1.15.1 Spoofer

    Viper's 1.15.1 SpooferThis spoofer can spoof your name, load your personal spoof list, automatically join your home channel, display your spoofed status, grab your CD Key and more!
    Viper's 1.15.1 Name Spoofer
    Hot Keys
    F12 - Spoof Name
    F11 - Temp Ban protection
    F3 - Latency Spammer
    Always remember to press F11 after joining a game, and F12 before joining a game to spoof your name.
    Grab CDKey feature - Click when Starcraft Brood War is at the login screen
    Add Name - Temporarily adds currently displayed name in the dropdown box to the list
    Set Name - Sets the displayed text in the dropdown box to the set Name Spoof
    Delete Name - Not Enabled for this version
    Automatic Features
    Automatic Home Channel Join
    Autoloads personal spoof list
    Automatically displays the game host, game name, and player list of the game lobby
    Automatically displays spoofed status on joining a game (Spoofed if you have not pressed F11 yet)
    Included Files
    Colors.txt - Holds all the colors you can use to add to your spoofed name
    Spoofs.txt - This is your personal list of spoofs, you can add as many spoofs as you want to this list
    (I have already included two spoofs everyone can use ^^
    ChPath.ini - This is what your home channel will be set to when you start up this hack, you can change
    it at any time.
    SCBWPath.ini - This is your Starcraft Directory, configure it to match where you have your Starcraft
    ShadowFrench - Name Spoof management
    Viper's 1.15.1 Spoofer.exe created by ViperGTSR3g © 2008
    Starcraft/Brood War Copyright © by Blizzard Entertainment®.



  20. FH Preview 01 - ASC.dll

    FH Preview - 01 ASC.dllAltered Starcraft Cursor
    This hack changes the behavior of the Starcraft Cursor so that you can change it to whatever cursor you want.



  21. BF2 Monster Hack

    BF2 Monster Hack



  22. Panic v3.1.1

    The infamous Korean-made hack.
    The infamous Korean-made hack.
    [1.15.1] Panic v3.1.1
    Panic 3.1.1
    F5 - Ping Hack On/Off
    F11 - Alert Menu (Unit, Research, Resource, Command)
    F12 - Alert On/Off
    Home - Null Drop Timer
    * - Maphack (Main screen only, minimap maphack not available)
    + - Speed Hack (Online, all users must have it enabled)
    NUMPAD 0 - Stats Hack
    /smin - Offline Mineral
    /smine - Offline Spider Mine Hack
    /timer[0~10] - Timer Hack
    /drone - Drone Float (Set to on and Shift+a)
    /hold - Hold Hack
    /patrol - Patrol Hack (Set to on and A to move point)
    /lock - Lock Hack
    /unload - Unload Hack
    /suicide - Suicide Worker
    /off - All functions set to off
    /hlist - Show Zerg Mineral Hack User list
    /hdrop - Drop Zerg Mineral Hack User
    Auto - Map Download status, Stay Alive, State Hack, Host Hack, Ally Alert, Start Without Opponents
    Nuclear detect and timer, Zerg Mineral Hack Detector
    [ Public Site ]
    [ Private Site ]
    Made by Death_Lion



  23. Battle Hud3d v0.2a

    Battle Hud3d v0.2a



  24. Fearno1 BF2 v5

    Fearno1 BF2 v5



  25. I-LoVe-iT CSS

    I-LoVe-iT CSS 0.3Detection: Unknown
    |---------------------I-LoVe-iT CSS 0.3--------------------|
    VAC2 Proof
    1. Open iloveitcss.exe
    2. Start Counter-Strike Source
    3. Join Game
    4. Press F12
    5. Press ins for menu
    6. Visit us (www.mp-hacks.de)
    7. English support (www.planetmayhem.org)
    -- AimBot
    -- Aimkey
    -- Pixelradius
    -- AimHeight
    -- AvDraw
    -- AimThru
    -- AimMode
    -- ESP
    -- BoxESP
    -- DistanceESP
    -- NameESP
    -- HealthESP
    -- Visual
    -- Lambert
    -- Crosshair (4x)
    -- NoFlash
    -- NoSmoke
    -- Wallhack
    -- Overview
    -- OvRadar
    -- OvName
    -- OvHealth
    -- Misc
    -- sv_cheats / consistency bypass
    -- Panickey (F12)
    -- Load Settings (F11)
    -- Menu (ins)
    -gordon (big thx)


