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How to know that God is real.

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I know that most of you want physical scientific proof that God exists. So this is how you do it.


Science changes all the time with new evidences. I am a chemist working towards a degree at USU, so I know a little about science. Here is a fact, no theory or law is provable it can only be observed having the same effect multiple times; don't even try to argue this because it is true; that is what all science is based on. For instance the law of gravity, it can be observed in all our surroundings we can feel and see its effects on earth and in the cosmos. However, we are finding out that the laws of gravity have anomalies and discrepancies, for instance:


Stars in galaxies follow a distribution of velocities where stars on the outskirts are moving faster than they should according to the observed distributions of normal matter. Galaxies within galaxy clusters show a similar pattern. Dark matter, which interacts gravitationally but not electromagnetically, accounts for the discrepancy. Various modifications to Newtonian dynamics have also been proposed.


The expansion of the universe seems to be speeding up. Dark energy has been proposed to explain this. A recent alternative explanation is that the geometry of space is not homogeneous (due to clusters of galaxies) and that when the data is reinterpreted to take this into account, the expansion is not speeding up after all.


The Pioneer spacecraft seems to be slowing down in a way which has yet to be explained.


Various spacecraft have experienced greater accelerations during slingshot maneuvers than expected.


(You can get the sources for this at good old Wikipedia under "Gravitation" as well as many published scientific journals around the world.)


So for those of you that think science is absolute you have a crude awakening. If you think something like "man made" science will prove the existence of God when the scientific community wants to explain things without the existence of a Supreme Creator then you probably will never get your "proof" of God through these means. It is a bias argument coming from either end.


This is what I will do I will go through the scientific method to show you my findings about God. However, just like science, if a person is not familiar with how the mechanisms work then it is hard to come to and see the findings. So if you try to prove the existence of the multi-verse by your own observation not being familiar the known sciences of time and mathematics that accompany it then you probably wont be very successful until you have learned all you can about the subject and have done your own mathematical equations and experiments to come to a conclusion of the theory of a multi-verse.


Same thing goes for findings about God. In order to find your proof of Him, you have to study about Him. Experiment with the idea. Try to communicate to him through prayer and be patient waiting for answers. And just like using the scientific method, conduct several experiments try multiple times throughout your life to communicate with him and be open to unexpected findings. Observe things around you, the cosmos and how they work, the tiniest of cells and how they function. Notice how complicated the inner workings of the tiniest unicellular Prokaryotic cell and ask yourself how could this have just happened by chance, some random occurrence.


Here is a link to a movie made by Harvard University on the inner workings of the cell. You should check it out it is awesome! http://multimedia.mcb.harvard.edu/


Another big thing that science uses are previous findings. So talk to people that believe in a Supreme Creator. Ask them why they believe in a God. If you are stuck and don't know what to do next ask someone for advice on the next step in your experiment. You must be skeptical with your findings, but don't let your own bias and beliefs get in the way. Then continue your experiments.


Just like science some people get what they are looking immediately but others spend their whole lives trying to find the answers. The same thing goes with your findings on God. Some of you may get your proof immediately while others it might take your entire life time.


Be patient, and good luck with your hypotheses.

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The only reason how you can prove that God exists is that your life and the world around us, humanity wouldn't suck so much if there weren't a deity who made us suck so much so he could watch it from the TV and laugh at our pitiful miserableness.

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Stars in galaxies follow a distribution of velocities where stars on the outskirts are moving faster than they should according to the observed distributions of normal matter. Galaxies within galaxy clusters show a similar pattern. Dark matter, which interacts gravitationally but not electromagnetically, accounts for the discrepancy. Various modifications to Newtonian dynamics have also been proposed.


The expansion of the universe seems to be speeding up. Dark energy has been proposed to explain this. A recent alternative explanation is that the geometry of space is not homogeneous (due to clusters of galaxies) and that when the data is reinterpreted to take this into account, the expansion is not speeding up after all.


The speeding up effect can be explained in very simple terms. As we all know, looking further and further into space, we are looking at light that left the objects further and further back in time. A time that was that much closer to the big bang. Since we think the big bang is what started the universe, it would follow the same basic principles of a regular explosion. It would start out with objects flying outwards at extremely high velocities, but gradually slow down. People always ignorantly say, but there isn't air in space. Well obviously, but there is still gravity. And when you put gravity into effect of an explosion, the velocities of the objects involve with the explosion will gradually slow down as time passes. So the objects that are flying away from us at near the speed of light about 14 or so billion light years away were flying at that speed 14 billion or so years ago. That is definitely not their present speed. They'll have slowed down a whole lot by now.


Now if you were to apply this to things that are closer to us, and what do you get? Things now appear to be slowing down noticeably because they are that much closer to us, we see them closer to real time. We are close enough for the light from them to actually reach us and show us that they are slowing down. Dark Matter does not exist. And I doubt anyone at all can prove the existence of a God.

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I read the whole thing and didn't see any proof for a god.

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And I doubt anyone at all can prove the existence of a God.


I agree,


If you think something like "man made" science will prove the existence of God when the scientific community wants to explain things without the existence of a Supreme Creator then you probably will never get your "proof" of God through these means.
I read the whole thing and didn't see any proof for a god.

I believe the title is "How to know that God is real" Not "Here is proof that God exists." I left this open to your own experimentation.

Edited by Zar

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So basically this was another theist wasting time trying to convert the masses.

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I am not trying to convert anyone. If I say everything proves there is a God then simply I will get the reply "no it doesn't." Then it turns into a heated discussion. This is a way that you can experiment for yourself using your logic and the scientific method to see if God exists.


It's not a ridiculous idea. Using the scientific method you can prove to yourself and others about god's existence. As long as you put aside all your biases and investigate the idea, like any scientist would investigate about a theory then you should be able to come to a logical conclusion from your results.

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Any results I conclude leads me towards one of two conclusions.

1. There is no God

2. There is no way to know if there is a God


Because in the end, the question will always be, Why?

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I will not argue the existence of a greater power, force, or being. Not because i don't believe in it, but because there is no evidence for it.

However, i deny creationism. Evolution happens.

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There is this question which always pops-up when almost all of my friends went to church... If God is perfect or have I once again been mistaken? But, anyways, we ain't perfect or at least, almost there yet... And, we're God's creation, ain't we suppose to be perfect too. If God did made us then why wouldn't he make us perfect? Is it true that God made us to let more of our kind know of its existence? I'm sorry if those are offending, I'm just voicing out.

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