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Dead Hard Drive?

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Okay. So I had a hard drive that was very stubborn. It has about 38 gigs of music and I wanted it all off. The thing would work for a few minutes, then it would reset. Any time I tried to copy data off of it, it would copy but reset in the middle or after about 10-20 seconds of transferring.


So here is a simple fix.


Put the hard drive in a plastic bag.


Set it in the freezer for about 4 hours.


Get your data off fast!








It seems to work. If anyone else wants to try with a bad drive let me know how it does for you. My boss was the one who told me that!

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Yeah. I thought he was too for a few moments. He was dead serious; and I looked it up online and well yeah it seems he's right.

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it depends on the error.

If you hear a clicking sound, you're fucked. (aka thousands of dollars to regain data)

if you don't hear a clicking sound, it's fixable.(0-$200 to regain data)


I've had to strip data of hard drives before, it's not fun.


and putting it in the freezer does work. it contracts the parts, so depending on what kind of error you have, it can resolve it for a short time (however long it takes the hard drive to heat up)

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Yeah, it actually does work, I've done it myself twice. Basically, "Freezing" the hard drive will actually shrink the small parts inside, making everything fit together properly for a bit.

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