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1 Screenshot

About This File

Crash and Location view hack.



By KcDan



Shift+F6 - Invokes the crash commands


*Requirements for crash to work - you must have only ONE reaver

or ONE carrier selected, also the reaver and carrier MUST be able

to create a scarab or a interceptor. That means you must have the

required money and space in the unit to make it.


F7 - Toggles the view location hack


The view location hack allows the player to see what locations the

map creator has put into the map. Very useful for UMS as you can see

the hotspots where you need to move units to and etc.




e Kc - me =P.

1 Zynastor - crash fix so you dont crash and drop.

0 Scmodder - loader.

K zyphrix(sp?) - instant update drawrering codez

c p00onu - What do I need to say?

! Permy - Again, what do I need to say.

! Bulk - Fantastic head.
