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Here is something you should think about when thinking.


Facts are just current beliefs waiting to be proven wrong.


Someone famous has bound to have said something similar to this, but for all I know, this is something that I came up with. What do you think in regards to this?

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I think this is true for some things, and false for others. Some things are a 100% fact, while others may leave room to disprove.

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I concur.

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Fact - something that actually exists; reality; truth

Truth - real; genuine; authentic

Real - actual as opposed to possible or potential


With the core of what a fact really is, is there something that never has an alternative? Give me an example of a fact that is the "actual," and has no "possible" or "potential." With words being nothing more then just sounds or letters representing thoughts or feelings, is what you typed the actual fact? Since we only have 5 senses, can we perceive every stimuli dealing with the so called fact? Since our knowledge of our surroundings is incomplete and still growing, is this something that our knowledge of can not change? If your "fact" can have an answer of yes to all these questions then it is a fact that will never change and will never be proven wrong, but to be proven wrong is to have a shred of evidence against the "fact." While to prove something right means that there is absolutely no evidence against the "fact," and also evidence in favor of the "fact."


So what is your fact with no evidence against it, and evidence for it, and a answer of yes to all the listed questions?

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Life and death is fact. I defy anyone to prove to me otherwise.


There is no way to bypass the inevitable end. For all our technology, one thing we will never be able to beat is that eventually we will decay into nothingness. That's just the fate of all things living. With that in mind, I propose a different philosophy:


Life is 10% where you've been and 90% where you go from here; Always remember your past but never stop going forward.

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Without reading this thread, off the top fo my head ill think of something wise to say.


Life is like a pudle.

Your the raindrop.

You make a ripple thing.

Other people make ripler things

Bigger ripples overcome the lil ones

they all die out eventually

one giant pubble of life


Dman im good.

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Life and death is fact. I defy anyone to prove to me otherwise.


There is no way to bypass the inevitable end.


How we think of life and what life really means leaves plenty of room for discussion. So I am throwing life out the window. As for death, death is prolonged by the amount of knowledge we possess. As humans eventually grow smarter, so do our lifespans. Since there is no known limit to our knowledge, we may one day overcome death. So this is a fact that is certainly waiting to be changed.


As for your philosophy, that is a good one to go by that many people don't.

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