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Fun In School

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ALL CREDIT HERE GOES TO THIS GUY>>>> Written by Zero. Send feedback to [email protected]


Yes, this is yet another “anarchy” text that is no doubt causing various individuals to cry

blasphemy and whine about how the Internet is corrupting our youth and arming our lunatics.

Usually these texts hide behind a flimsy disclaimer as an excuse. I will say this: This document is not

intended solely for entertainment purposes. This document is intended to be an informative guide, to

be used as it will. I am not here to preach to you, to tell you what to do, or tell you what not to do.

However, I do expect, perhaps foolishly, that you, dear reader, have a tiny modicum of common sense

and not to build any damn fool thing you read about on the Internet and set in off in your basement. I

urge you to use your head regarding such matters.

Many of the projects and techniques listed in this document are classified in the category of

“dangerous as hell.” Foolish use of these articles will usually result in horrible bodily injury or

natural selection. Also, most of these things are a wonderful way to get arrested, incarcerated,

expelled, or cause spectacular property damage. Once again, I recommend the use of a little common

sense when dealing with such things. Information presented here comes with no guarantees, and isn’t

necessarily completely correct or perfect. I cannot be held responsible for any injuries, legal actions,

deaths, damages, singed eyebrows, confiscated goods, or destruction of planets.


Fun In School

Yes, we all hate school. Yes, we’ve all seen the “School Stoppers Textbook.” And yes, I have more

random illegal and entertaining acts for you to do in school. You’ll need the basic equipment from the

Anarchy Bag article, as well as a few other tools for some pranks. Some of this stuff is rather obvious, and

some of it is not. Use your head, and don’t get caught. Now pay attention, stop drumming on that desk, take

out your pencil and get to work!

Watch it. Sometimes schools have cameras. They’re usually in hallways and stairwells, and are

fairly obvious. There are almost always a set of cameras watching the parking lot. If you’re on camera,

don’t pull any tricks. If you want to smash a camera, make sure you can’t be identified, as it will film you

up until the point it meets your crowbar.

This article assumes your school doesn’t have security checks and metal detectors. If you have to

bring questionable equipment to pull a prank (tools, knives, etc.) then don’t risk it. If you can find another

way to get your stuff in the building, then by all means go ahead. A good tactic is to pass your bag off to

someone you can trust through a classroom window. Or you can also just chuck your bag through the open

window of your homeroom and get to the classroom as fast as you can to get your bag.

Why do any of this? Well, that’s up to you. I’ve gotten lots of criticism for this article, and it seems

people have some sort of problem with the practicality of this. Well, if you don’t like it, don’t do it!

Otherwise, if you’re bored, you want a day off, or you just hate anything that has to do with school, and

you’ve got the balls to do this stuff, here you go. If not, just read it, imagine it, and laugh. Whatever.

Pull the fire alarm. Well, it’s not always that simple, is it? Modern fire alarms have little capsules

of ink that spray on your hand when you pull them, and you can see it when you shine an UV light on your

hand. The cops will check people’s hands if it’s a false alarm, and if they find you with ink on your hand,

you’re screwed. Try a fishhook and some line to set the thing off while you’re on the other side of the

hallway. Better yet, use a bent nail or two to hold the line down near foot level to make a tripwire that’ll set

off the alarm. If you want to go low-tech, I suppose wearing a glove would work, too. Hide or dispose of the

glove afterwards.

(Dis) Assembly. Take a screwdriver or some pliers and take all the screws and bolts out of a desk.

The only thing holding it up should be it’s own weight. Then wait for some poor fool to sit down there. Also

try dismantling the teacher’s computer (tricky), stairway railings (time consuming, get a pass during class to

do this), door hinges (easier said than done), heating grates, cafeteria stools, and anything else your

screwdriver will fit. The chairs in the auditorium are almost never checked and half of them are falling apart

already. Why not help them along? It’ll be loads of fun on parents’ night.

The paperclip trick. This one is old, but it usually works. Take a paperclip and bend it into a U

shape. Stick it into an electrical socket just far enough to get it to stay there. Now take the eraser end of a

pencil and push it all the way in. This will short circuit the electrical outlet. You get sparks, smoke, and a

blown fuse. The power for at least the room you’re in will go out. It may take a whole day for the custodian

to go down there and replace the fuse or flip the circuit breaker. This attracts attention, so do it when no one

else is in the room. Also, don’t use your finger to push the paperclip in. It stings just a bit.

Instant ice skating rink. Drop a whole pint box of BB’s on the floor in the hall, preferably those

Daisy silver ones, as they’re harder to see than copper. Glass beads are damn near invisible and do the trick

nicely, though they’re expensive. Vaseline will work too, but you’ve got to spread it around first.

Do I smell gas? Turn on all the gas jets in a science room (those things you plug the bunsen burners

into) just enough to put out gas, but not enough so you can hear it hissing. There are a multitude of

opportunities here, including coming by three periods later and throwing a match. The gas jets are usually

locked or turned off unless there’s a lab that day that uses bunsen burners. If you can get the key to the

shutoff switch, you’re really in business…

Fun with chemistry class. If you’re using the bunsen burners in class, find one that’s unoccupied,

preferably in the corner. Turn it up all the way, and then pry the handle off of it. Stick the handle back on in

the wrong position so it looks the valve is off, even though it’s really on. This will help keep other people

from messing with it. Use it to fill the room, or just make a four foot flamethrower. Likewise, you can fill a

balloon up with gas and then throw it at a lit bunsen burner for an interesting fireball.

What an ass. Take some paint that’s the same color as the plastic seats on the desks and apply

liberally to a few random chairs in the room. Wait for someone with brand new white pants or something to

sit on one. See how long it takes for them to notice that their ass is some hideous color.

Milk it. Does your school have those little plastic pouches of chocolate milk? Take one out in the

hallway (or the carpeted band room) and discreetly stomp on it. If you poke a hole in it, it works even better.

Or you can just jab a few holes in one and throw it at somebody. Inflate empty pouches and cartons and pop

them. Juice boxes make an incredible bang if you pull all the tabs out, inflate them, and stomp on them.

Fore! Bust a pencil into six or seven pieces. Make a seesaw out of a ruler and the edge of a book.

Load up a pencil piece, aim, and open fire. Juvenile, but entertaining.

Native schoolboy tribe blowgun. Hollow out a pen and use it for a spitball launcher. That’s pretty

simple, right? Try using BB’s instead of spitballs. Shove a pin through the end of a shoelace (the part with

the plastic thing on it) with some of the frayed threads hanging off the back to make a dart. Shoot someone

in the back of the neck with one of those puppies!

Straw darts. If your school uses those straws with the pointy ends to puncture milk pouches, you’re

in luck. Pull the pointy end of the straw off about halfway and leave the plastic hanging off the back to

make a fin. Throw it at someone, just like a dart. If you’re coordinated you can get one to sail all the way

across the cafeteria. They sting when they hit people, too.

What’s that noise? Take a regular drinking straw (not those really skinny ones) and cut it into a

shape that looks like the tip of a flathead screwdriver (cut it so it’s tapered, but with a flat end). If you hold

the two flaps of the cut straw between your lips and blow it makes a rather loud whistle. The shorter you cut

the straw, the louder and higher pitched the sound will be. One and a half inch long straws make the most

irritating noise you’ve ever heard.

Boing. Take a bouncy ball and slam it against a wall or the floor as hard as you can. Works best in

the gym or in a hallway. Got a slingshot? Use that instead. Have contests with your friends to see who can

get the most bounces and still hit someone.

What the hell? Bring in a small (and cheap) remote control car. Set it behind the door, closet, or

somewhere hidden before class starts. About halfway into class, discreetly take the controller out under your

desk and run the car around the room. Look amazed like everyone else, and try to hit the teacher’s feet. You

can tape some sharpened nails to the front of the thing for some interesting results. If you don’t want to be

that obvious about it, push up a ceiling tile and put the car up there. It’ll make nifty noises as it careens

around up there. Sometimes you can even get it over another classroom!

Pointy. The thumbtack on the chair has been overdone. Instead, find a teacher that has a cushion on

her chair. Shove a few pins through the back of the cushion so only the very tips of the pins are sticking out.

They’re almost invisible, but they’ll hurt like anything when the teacher sits on them.

God is in the TV. Get a universal remote, the kind that you DON’T have to program. Bring it in and

mess with the TV’s in the library. Usually the school has cable, so put it on MTV or something. See if they

get any porno channels or anything interesting.

Eek. Let loose some live rodents in class. For some reason people are afraid of small fuzzy things. If

you can get your hands on a skunk, they’ll probably evacuate the school.

No smoking. Or else. Got a bathroom where people like to smoke? Take a propane tank for a camp

stove in there and empty it into the air. Use two or three just to be sure. Close the door. Wait for some

jackass to spark up a cigarette. That or conceal a smoke alarm somewhere like behind a toilet. The noise

from that will attract someone’s attention.

When it rains, it pours. Hold a lighter up to a fire sprinkler. The heat is more than enough to set it

off and start a small rainstorm all over the school. You might even get a day off.

Things that go boom. Put explosives in interesting places. Trash cans, desk drawers, lockers,

mailboxes, the list goes on. Use a cigarette fuse so the thing will go off several minutes after you’ve left.

Likewise, a cigarette fused explosive in the bathroom is always a winner. Unless some jackass finds it and

smokes your cigarette. Put a dry ice bomb made out of a soda bottle in the cafeteria trash can. The trouble

with all this is you’ve gotta get the materials into the school. Also, clean off any fingerprints on your bombs.

In post-Columbine America, things like this are a sure fire way to get yourself in trouble. Be careful.

The flaming toilet. Bring in a soda bottle filled with kerosene. Dump it in a toilet (the kero will

float to the top of the water) and drop a match in there. Casually wander away and wait for someone else to

use the bathroom.

Krazy, man, Krazy. Krazy glue things everywhere. Glue coins to the floor, stickers to windows,

and rocks to ceilings. Try gluing all the pages of someone’s book together. Squirt glue into locks, glue the

teacher’s phone to the hook, glue someone’s pencil to their desk. Be creative.

The vanishing test. You can buy stuff called flash paper at magic shops, and you can order it from

some novelty companies. Get an 8 ½” by 11” sheet of flash paper (Broadway Magic sells this size, as well

as many other outfits). Steal a copy of a test beforehand, and scan it in on your computer. Print the test out

on the flash paper. Hollow out a pen and put a rocket igniter through the tip. Keep the batteries and switch

in your pocket and run the wire through your sleeve. In class the next day, hide the real test paper and put

the flash paper on your desk instead. When the teacher isn’t looking directly at you, but is looking in your

general direction, touch the igniter to the paper and hit the switch in your pocket. The igniter will glow red

hot for a second and ignite the flash paper. Your paper will burst into flame and quickly burn into nothing.

Not even an ash on the desk. Instant heart attack. See how long it takes the teacher to pick herself up off the


Fountain pens. If you shake a fountain pen a lot of the ink goes flying out the tip. Ink the back of

people’s shirts, ink the teacher’s papers, and ink the windows. Ink whatever else you want to.

That’s disgusting! Print out some hardcore porno and glue it somewhere usually hidden like the roll

down map on the blackboard, the inside of a textbook, the inside of the closet door, or a curtain that’s

usually open. Wait for the teacher to use the map, close the curtains, open the closet, or use the textbook.

Got a spare? Put tire spikes all over the parking lot. If you haven’t got any spikes you can risk flat

out slashing people’s tires. If you can get at a school bus show it no mercy. Keep an eye out- Most schools

have cameras on the parking lot.

Autoexecuted. If your school uses PC’s, you’re in luck. Find the autoexec.bat file if they run

Windows 9x, or autoexec.nt if they run Windows NT. At the top, enter the following:

@Echo Off


Echo This is a juvenile prank.

Goto TAG

The next time the computer is rebooted, the screen will display nothing but “This is a juvenile prank.” It’s

not very destructive, but it pisses people off. If there’s no one around that knows the first thing about

computers there will more than likely be an “out of order” sign on that computer the next time you see it.

Also, if you take out the third line entirely the computer will just freeze on bootup.

Null Modem. Speaking of computers, take a lighter and hold the flame under a wire from a

computer. Keep the top of the flame just below the wire, don’t touch it to it. It only takes about a second for

this to screw up the inside of the wire. With a little practice you can do it without visibly burning the wire.

End result: Whatever wire you fried ceases to function, along with whatever it’s hooked up to. Thus, no

keyboard, mouse, modem, network access, or whatever else you toasted. Note that this only works on data

type cables with thin stands of wire inside them. Power cables aren’t affected by this.

Something screwy. Take every single screw out of as many school computers as you can. Sounds

stupid, doesn’t it? Wait for someone to try to pick up and move the computer.

The Wall. This only works if a classroom door opens outwards (and most of them do). It works if

the door opens inwards, but you need another way out of the room, like a window. Drag the teacher’s desk

in front of the door. Then build a wall out of tables, chairs, and whatever else you can find that’s big and

heavy. It goes a little faster if you get some friends to help.

Aunt Tillie’s mayhem recipe. Next time you’re in home economics class, find yourself bottle of

vinegar, a funnel or a cup, some plastic wrap, and a box of baking soda. I’ll bet you can guess what’s

coming next, can’t you? Line the funnel with the plastic wrap. (This keeps the plastic wrap in one place.

Omit this step if you have three hands.) Fill the thing with baking soda and wrap it up. Stuff the plastic

wrapped ball of baking soda in a half full bottle of vinegar. Screw the cap on, shake it up to unwrap that

plastic, and get rid of it. Roll it across the floor, throw it in someone’s sink, I don’t care what you do with it.

You’ve got about 5 seconds before the thing shoots the cap off with a bang and spews foam all over the

place. Hint: If it foams before you shake it, chuck it!

Your attention, please! Ever notice that Koss speakers have microphone jack on them? Some of

them can be run with batteries, too. Hook up a mike to your speakers, crank ‘em up, and hide them in your

backpack. Point the backpack at someone and yell into the microphone. I think you can figure out a few

uses for this handy little gadget.

Instant inservice day. Make a smoke bomb out of one of those small soda bottles. Put it in a locker

(not your locker) and light it. It should have a rather long fuse, by the way. If it makes enough smoke,

they’ll evacuate the school and send you home. Not to mention the fun of watching the fire trucks, bomb

squads, newspaper reporters…

Class dismissed!

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LOL some of those are funny, and some are just plain stupid...

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or u could get a fart machine and b4 an assembly and put it in the podium and when there talking there u go, u will have everyone laughing there asses off

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lol i think ill take a screw driver to school 1 day :(

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I'm doing the glue one. I got plenty of pennies to glue all over the campus.

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I'm doing the glue one. I got plenty of pennies to glue all over the campus.

try gluing a teacher's cup to the desk :(

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i just love it how he tells you to throw your backpack through the "open" window of your homeroom...Now even back when I was in HS, the windows were made so you couldn't get in or out of them...second of all like no ones going to notice....LMAO

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I'm taking Krazy glue and a screwdriver to school someday, that'd make for an interesting day :P

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Heres another short article Created by The Jolly Roger




· One of my favorites for getting out of a class or two is to call in a bomb threat. Tell 'em that it is in a locker. Then they have to check them all, whilst you can slip away for an hour or two. You can even place a fake bomb (in any locker but YOURS!). They might cancel school for a week while they investigate (of course, you will probably have to make it up in the summer).


· Get some pure potassium or pure sodium, put it in a capsule, and flush it down the toilet (smells awful! Stinks up the whole school!).


· Use a smoke grenade in the hallway.


· Steal the computer passwords & keys. Or steal the 80 column cards inside if they are (gag) IBM.


· Make friends with student assistants and have them change your grades when the teachers hand in their bubble sheets for the report cards.


· Spit your gum out on the carpet in the library or whatever and grind it into the carpet. Watch the janitors cry!


· Draw on lockers or spraypaint on the building that the principal is a fascist.


· Stick a potato in the tailpipe of the principal's car.



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lol this brings back memory's of what my friend did he printed off 50 pics of Mj ( not the black 1 the 1 thats now white ) and put em on the inside of the stalls on the door so when u took a shit mj was watching u the principle had such a funny face i wish i woulda taken a pic but later he called all the boys in the gym and gave us a lecture about being mature -.-

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