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Starcraft 1.16.1 Hacks

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Starcraft Hacks for 1.16.1

67 files

  1. Spell Matrix

    Create colours and other marks for Starcraft.
    A quick easy program which creates colours and other marks for Starcraft that you can use in all editors etc. Includes all marks including 1.14 colours, pink dot, newline, crash mark and so on.
    It's a small box that you can move anywhere and right click for the color menu, click something and its copied to your clipboard and ready to paste.



  2. scGuard

    Hacks detected by the Warden can be injected using scGuard and circumvent losses.
    The cow in the meadow says Moo!!
    - Extrace all files to any folder (ONCE)
    - Start Starcraft (Do _NOT_ connect to Battle.Net)
    - Alt+Tab to Desktop
    - Start scGuard.exe
    - Select Starcraft window and hit Install
    - Enjoy!
    Version History:
    Version 1.0.2:
    - Fixed an issue in the DLL loading code.
    Version 1.0.1:
    - Improved Offset detour code. Possibly that it will fail is very low.
    Version 1.0:
    - Initial Release



  3. AntiRessurection

    AntiRessurection with protection updated
    AntiRessurection.dll Created by Saken
    AntiRessurection.dll v1.0.1
    Starcraft Version v1.16.1
    Press the HOME button to drop all Ressurection users with one push of a button.
    Zynastor - ZLoader.exe
    Version log:
    Added beter text when dropping all Ressurection users
    Version log v1.0.1
    Bypass Ressurection anti-drop protection & detection *Works*



  4. Nameless NameSpoofer

    Basic Name Spoofer for 1.16.1
    Nameless NameSpoofer v2.0
    Color Useage:
    When using colors, click on the color you want to use BEFORE typing your desired name. So a square should appear before
    your name. After you see the square in the spoof bar, type-in your desired spoof name. You can only mix TAB, Right Align, and Center Align
    with your colors. So if you mix any of those, 2 squares should appear before your name.
    Type in your desired name in the "Spoof Goes Here" box, and click the Spoof button. Can only spoof up to 24 characters.
    F12 - Spoof Name in Channel
    F11- Temp Ban Protection, Use when in Lobby or Before leaving game, if you have spoofed a name over 15 characters and dont use this, then you will get a temp ban!
    Also use when SPOOFING COLORS! If you are in lobby with a spoofed name and decide to leave,
    make sure you hit F11 or u'll get a temp ban. Same thing for in-game too. Hit F11 before leaving game.
    Version 2.0 changes:
    -Added Colors
    -Added TAB, Right Align, Center Align
    -Added 2 more pictures
    -Improved Spoof button+text bar
    ViperSRT3g - for his name spoof tutorial which i used to make this
    BWHacks - for their avatars which i included in the spoofer
    Zynastor - big inspiration
    KC Productions - big inspiration



  5. Automation v1.0

    Automates irridate, repair, defense matrix, and shield recharge.
    Anti Irridate
    Auto Repair
    Idle Worker Counter
    Auto Defense Matrix
    Auto Shield Recharge
    Nitto - Testing
    han_han - Testing
    Salvinger - Testing
    ZonedMikel - Ideas
    LCS - ideas
    707 - pure win,testing



  6. KM9

    KM9 Koren Hack - With Edited Loose Language Translation
    업데이트 날짜: 2009년 1월 31일
    Updated: January 31, 2009
    제작자: Death_Lion
    Producer: Death_Lion
    동작환경 : Windows XP (VIsta환경에서는 일부 작동하지 않습니다.)
    Supported Operating Systems: Windows XP, Windows Vista (Limited Functionality)
    본 프로그램은 게임상의 핵유저를 잡아내기 위한 프로그램입니다.
    This hack is for the nuclear japanese user's game.
    기타 문의사항이 있다면 http://blizzer.co.kr 에 문의바랍니다.
    If you have other questions, see http://blizzer.co.kr for more information.
    [실행방법] [How to Run]
    - 게시물에 첨부된 압축파일을 아무폴더에 풉니다. - Extract the compressed file to your starcraft folder.
    - 스타크래프트를 실행하여 베틀넷까지 접속합니다. - Start Starcraft and connect to Battle.net
    - Alt+Tab을 눌러서 압축푼 폴더내의 Load.exe를 실행합니다. - Inject the Dll using Load.exe
    - 게임시작후 KM9관련 메세지가 뜬다면 성공적으로 작동된 것입니다. - You'll get a success message
    [기능소개] [Features]
    * 맵핵 디텍트 * Maphack Function
    - 게임중 비정상적인 클릭이나 선택을 하는 경우에 맵핵으로 인식 - Click the star space if the maphack appears abnormal
    하여 메세지를 출력합니다. A message confirms this.
    * 오토마인 디텍트 * AutoMine Function
    - 게임시작과 동시에 빠른속도로 일꾼을 분배하는 경우에 오토마인으로 - Workers will automine immediately after the game starts
    인식하여 메세지를 출력합니다. A message confirms this.
    * 멀티커맨드 & 자동생산 디텍트 * Multi-Command & Automatic Production Function
    - 게임중 비정상적인 유닛선택으로 명령 및 생산을 하는 경우에 - Select the unit star space if the command appears abnormal.
    메세지를 출력합니다. A message confirms this.
    * 맵다운로드 상태 체크 * Check maphack status?
    - 게임로비에서 상대방의 맵다운로드 상태유무를 표시합니다. - The maphack status will be displayed in the lobby?
    * 렉스크린창 제거 * Remove rekseukeurinchang?
    - 게임중 상대방의 네트워크속도가 좋지않거나 디스를 걸경우 나타 - A good network speed, or disk of the star space to the other party will geolgyeongwoo?
    나는 렉스크린창을 Ctrl + L 을 눌러서 제거할수가 있습니다. You can clear the window by pressing Ctrl + L.
    [업데이트] [update]
    v2.0.3 v2.0.3
    * 버전 컨버트 * Version keonbeoteu?
    * 렉디펜더 추가 * Add rekdipendeo?
    * 멀티커맨드 & 자동생산 디텍트 버그 수정 * Multi-Command & automatic production function bug fixes
    [자주하는질문] [Frequently Asked Questions]
    Q: 맵핵이 아닌데도 맵핵이라고 메세지가 떠요. Q: It's not maephaek maephaek also honed the message.
    A: 순간적으로 안개에 가려진 유닛을 클릭하면 뜰수도 있습니다. A: When you click on the moment in mist tteulsu are hidden units.
    한두번은 버그로 인식할수 있으나 여러번 메세지가 뜬다면 맵핵 I can recognize it as a bug or two, but a message pops up several times to maephaek
    일 확률이 높습니다. It is most likely one.
    Q: 모든 핵을 잡아낼수가 있나요? Q: Do you have to display message for all nuclear launches?
    A: 아닙니다. A: No, sir. 핵은 여러 종류이기 때문에 잡지 못하는 핵이 있을 Because of the different types of magazines can not be nuclear
    수가 있습니다. Can. 잡지 못하는 핵이 있다면 블리저사이트에 접속하 If you have does not have nuclear beulrijeosayiteue jeopsokha
    셔서 리포트 해주시면 추후 KM9의 업데이트에 도움이 됩니다. Thank you for the update of the report could be helpful to future KM9.
    Q: 꼭 윈도우XP에서만 작동하나요? Q: Does the hack work only on Windows XP?
    A: 현재는 XP에서만 작동되도록 제작되었습니다.하지만 Vista에 서도 일부 작동이 될수도 있습니다.OS호환여부는 추후에 업데이트 예정입니다. A: Currently, the hack is supported only on Windows XP, as it was designed to be. But in Vista, some functions may be working. This will be updated in the future.
    Q: 처음에 뜨는 메세지나 디텍트메세지는 남에게 보여지나요? Q: Can others see the messages the program creates?
    A: 아닙니다. A: No, sir. 프로그램을 사용한 자신에게만 보여집니다. The messages are only shwn to you.
    Q: 버그를 발견하였습니다.어떻게 하죠? Q: I have found a bug. What can I do?
    A: 블리저사이트의 KM9게시판에 문의바랍니다. A: See the KM9 bulletin board for more information.
    Q: 블리자드가 서버에 도입하는 Warden에 걸리나요? Q: Can KM9 handle the Warden protection Blizzard uses?
    A: 현재 Warden에 걸리지 않습니다. A: KM9 can handle Warden.
    Q: KM9의 개발에 참여하고 싶습니다. Q: I would like to participate in the development of KM9.
    A: 블리저사이트의 건의사항 게시판을 이용해주시면 심사후 A: Please leave suggustions in the bulletin.
    개발팀에 참여하실수가 있습니다. The development team is allowed to contribute to KM9.
    Q: 제휴를 하고 싶습니다. Q: I want partnership.
    A: 블리저사이트의 제휴문의 게시판을 이용해주시기 바랍니다. A: Please leave a message in the bulletin.
    KM9 Copyright @ Blizzer.co.kr by Death_Lion. KM9 [email protected] by Death_Lion.
    StarCraft & Brood War Copyright @ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft & Brood War Copyright @ Blizzard Entertainment.



  7. Low Latency

    You have only to open Brood War and "BWLowLatency".If you are playing a game the latency will automaticaly set down to your ping speed.The other players in the game have the no



  8. BimilHack v0.02

    Auto-Mine/ Auto Quene
    Current version: v0.02
    About BimilHack.Dll:
    This is auto-mine and auto-queue hack.
    Use zLoader to execute this hack.
    It works fine with ZynMapHack.dll.
    Ctrl+Z - toggle debug-mode
    Ctrl+A - toggle auto-queue
    Ctrl+W - force stopped workers to gather mineral
    Remaining problem:
    auto-queue will not accept cancel 'train'.
    Disable auto-queue to avoid this problem.
    Created by SSSecretBoy.
    Thanks to Zynastor and Antihaxer.



  9. Selection Hack

    This is a hack that allows you to select up to 255 units at once. By: salvinger
    This is a hack that allows you to select up to 255 units at once. It is similar to Zynastor's selection hack in oblivion. If you have ever used that in oblivion, this should be about the same except for a few things.
    First, the circles that go around the units selected is limited to 12. So if you selected 50 units, only 12 will actually appear to be selected, but when you command them all 50 will move. Second, when you select more than 12 units, instead of the actual number of units selected being drawn ont he screen, it is send like a text message. Both of these limitations are due to the fact that I got tired of working on this, and maybe later if I feel like it I will add it.
    How to use:
    Just select all the units you want to command and command them
    The ~ key selects all units of the same type that are currently selected.
    For buildings, select one of the same type and hit ~ to select them all. Note that it will look like nothing happened, but when you command the buildings all of them will do it. Also, you can select a building and shift click another to command the clicked building also, but it has to be the same type.
    A big thanks goes out to Zynastor for releasing the source code to his multicommand, the structures and some of the functions helped out a lot in doing this.
    Update: Fixed a bunch of bugs, also made it so number of units selection is displayed instead of sent as a text message, thanks antihaxer for that offset.



  10. Resolution Hack

    This resolution hack works on all windows systems and does not slow down the computer. It is almost finished except for a few missing features as listed below.
    Follow the instructions below carefully
    1. Close Starcraft. If starcraft is open it will crash.
    2. Click on the loader.
    3. Log on to Battle.net.
    4. Load other hacks after logging on to battle net.
    This demo beta hack...
    ...Increases the game play screen size to any size specified in the config file. It has been tested with 1024x768, 1280x800 and 1440x900.
    ...Is able to be injected before entering battle.net.
    ...Has debugging mode.
    ...100% works with Epicsauce.
    Development issues to be fixed.
    1. Screen shot bug.
    2. Command bar mouse updating bug.
    3. Other missing features.
    Be sure and load starcraft and the hack with the loader.



  11. Cheap Chat Log

    Upon loading this hack, all in-game chat text will permanently remain on screen, until it scrolls up and off the chat area.
    NOTE: Antivirus software may pop on this download due to the included file load.exe being packed using UPX. This is just a false alarm as many antivirus software are now sensitive to this packing process.



  12. Reveal Me.dll

    Reveals all enemies cloaked, borrowed or otherwise un-seeable unitsdo to an ability.
    What it does:
    - Reveals all enemies cloaked, borrowed or otherwise un-seeable units
    do to an ability.
    - Currently works with any maphack!
    - Undetected by Warden as of 2/10/2009
    What it doesn't do:
    - Only Reveals the units graphically, this means you still need
    a detector of some sort to be able to actually attack the unit(s)
    Revealed by this hack.
    - Does not allow you to select the Revealed unit(s)
    - Changed hotkey to F5
    - Added On/Off text
    - Initial release



  13. SMapColors

    Changes for of war colors
    SMapColors.dll Created by Saken
    SMapColors.dll v1.0.0
    Starcraft Version v1.16.1
    I'll add more colors/features to this if anyone request them or something.
    Compatible with ZynMapHack *Dosen't work with full maphack only lite maphack and off*
    To improve this hack or to inject it, inject it during the GAME.
    Only if you can't get it to work when you injected in channel.
    Hotkeys: Game
    NUMPAD1 - Change fog of war colors *Its all differn't types of colors lines*
    NUMPAD2 - Change fog of war colors *Its all differn't types of colors lines*
    NUMPAD3 - Change fog of war colors *Its all differn't types of colors lines*
    NUMPAD4 - Change fog of war colors *Its all differn't types of colors lines*
    NUMPAD5 - Change fog of war colors *Its all differn't types of colors lines*
    NUMPAD5 - Change fog of war colors *Its all differn't types of colors lines*
    F5 - Turn map colors off
    Auto Stuff:
    Warden Proof - Warden Proof last checked 2/13/09
    MapColors - are off by default
    Namelessone666 - Hes overall cool :D.



  14. Xanax

    707's Multihack.
    -Stats Hack - Name/PlayerColor/Minerals/Gas
    -In-Game Timer
    -Host Hack
    -Download Status
    -Null Drop Timer
    -Save screenshots as pcx(default),bmp, or gif.
    -Lag Defender
    -Stay Alive Hack
    -Start Game without opponents
    -Currently Warden-Proof
    ~ - Toggle Multicommand On/Off
    F5 - Toggle Lag Defender On/Off
    F6 - Toggle Through Screenshot Formats
    F7 - Toggle Multicommand Workers On/Off
    F12 - Stats Hack On/Off
    Automatic Features:
    In-Game Timer
    Host Hack
    Download Status
    Null Drop Timer
    Stay Alive Hack
    Start Game Without Opponents
    Warden Work Around
    Version 1.4b
    - Fixed a major bug that caused crashing during game play.
    Version 1.4
    - Made Xanax v1.4 Compatible with ZynMapHack v1.0.7. Multicommand will not enable if Zynastors Selection hack is enabled.
    - Fixed a bug involving Multicommand
    Version 1.3
    - Updated hack to patch 1.16.1
    - Added Stats Hack
    - Added In-Game Timer
    - Added Start game without opponents
    - Added Toggle Multicommand Workers Protection On/Off
    - Fixed a bug that was causing users to get rick rolled
    - Removed Special feature
    Version 1.2
    - Added Multicommand.
    - Added more screenshot format options, and added a hotkey to toggle through them.
    - Added Multicommand worker protection; you can't command workers at all while multicommand is enabled.
    - Added a function that will display how many units you commanded using Multicommand.
    - Added Special feature, I dare you to use it!
    Version 1.1
    - Fixed a feature that was being detected by warden; Xanax v1.1 should be completely undetected by warden.
    p00onu - Special thanks to p00 for teaching me everything I know about ASM and game hacking. Thanks for all your help.
    Zynastor - zLoader. Taught me alot and various help with my code. Thanks for all your help.
    KcDan - Taught me alot and provided me with various information and source code. Thanks for all your help.
    AgentGod - Taught me alot and provided me with various information and source code. Thanks for all your help.
    DarthSlyGuy - <3
    EvilSinz - <3
    Gorgy - <3
    BloodyBlade - For taking 7-2mg Xanax bars on 1/4/09
    antihaxer - Tester
    JeweyK - Tester/Lawyer/Doctor
    Aiur - Tester



  15. Build Anywhere Hack

    Simply inject and you'll be able to build anywhere on the map while stacking.



  16. Cobra Updater

    Patches Cobra Spoofer v2.0 to Starcraft Brood War v1.16.1



  17. BasicMC

    Well if u read the readme u will find out duh.
    BasicMC.dll by Saken
    Starcraft / Broodwar v1.16.1
    This is a basic mc for workers, since oblivion dosen't aollow to selectionhack workers. Simpley to use this move your mouse
    to where u want your workers to attack/move/stop and they will move where your mouse is. Kinda a new style of multicommand on workers huh.
    This is not detected by Warden wow gj.
    Also if u are getting loses/banned with this hack please tell me. I didn't test it like that I just tested the commands.
    Commands Game:
    /wstop - All workers will automaticlly stop
    /wattack - All workers will attack where your mouse is
    /wmove - All workers will move where your mouse is
    /estop - Every unit will stop
    /eattack - Every unit will attack where your mouse is
    /emove - Every unit will move where your mouse is
    Jiggie - for most help with selecting units
    Zynastor - for his awsome zloader/selection hack



  18. InsectLoader plus scource code

    a loader for starcraft.
    It injects all the DLLs in its folder into starcraft. It can also load starcraft if starcraft is not open. I also included the source.



  19. Abstract

    Small multihack for lobby (Growing)
    Abstract.dll Created by Saken
    Abstract.dll v1.0.0b
    Starcraft Version v1.16.1
    If it crashes when you inject in channel than inject in lobby.
    Also no "/kick #" isn't a drophack so get that out of your minds now :P.
    Works with ZynMapHack
    Pause - Pause the game
    Commands: Lobby
    /pub - Makes the game public
    /race # - Race changer *Host Only. Not sure if it works not hosted*
    /kick # - Kicks player id from the lobby *Dosen't have to be host"
    /kick all - Kicks everyone from the lobby
    Auto Stuff:
    Show download status
    To do list:
    /win - Instant win (In Game)
    Zynastor - ZLoader.exe



  20. ZMulticommand

    Simple Multicommand hack.
    - Press ~ key to enable multicommand. (If you want the Alt key version then download ZMC102-Alt)
    - Press Ctrl + ~ key to toggle worker command on/off.
    - Converted to new patch.
    This hack has to be loaded after you have entered battle.net.



  21. Download Status

    Display the download status at all times.
    Login in to b.net alt+tab out and run Inject.exe and your download status will always be shown
    KC helped out a lot with Inject.exe
    707 for general starcraft hacking help



  22. Extern SC Chat

    With this tool you are be able to Chat with your Account, which is looged on BW / SC.
    This is very usefull because that allows you to be on the desktop and Chat on Starcraft at the same time.
    This tool offers you more functions, like:
    -Time Message
    -Greet Message
    - Name Alert (If someone write a name that you have set, a sound will be played)
    -3 changeable designs
    -Display online Friends
    -Hide Offline Friends
    -Log all mesages and save them in a textfile for every day
    And many more!
    This tool is very usefull for every Starcraft / Broodwar Player
    Screen from the MainWindow with an menu, that pops up when Right clicking on a Player



  23. Power-Hack

    Spoof HackDeley Decreaser Hack
    What it does :
    Spoof Hack (Use the name of everybody in a game ! "Color accepted") :
    Start Starcraft, log on Battle.net and press Alt-Tab to go in Power-Hack
    Put the name you want to spoof in the text box (You can use color with the list box) and go back in Starcraft.
    Press F12 when you're in the chat room to run the spoofer.
    Each times you want to spoof, press F12 in the channel.
    Delay Decreaser Hack (Use it to not feel the lag in a game) :
    Press F9 to run it.
    Press F9 again to stop it.
    Flood Hack (Only for registered users) :
    Put the message you want to flood in the 1st text box.
    In the 2nd text box, put the delay between each repetition of the message.
    To use it, keep F8 pressed in game.



  24. Dr. Dan Injector

    Dr. Dan is an injector that reads a script (drdan.txt) thats in the same directory as Dr.Dan.exe.
    Inside the script there are various commands you can use to
    do whatever you please.
    The commands are:
    MatchWin "classname","window title" $
    MatchClass "Classsname" $
    MatchTitle "Window title" $
    Inject "Dllname.dll" $
    Clear $ <--- Clears the text in the edit box
    Output "print whatever you want here...." $
    Pause 1000 $ <--- This pauses script execution for x amount of milliseconds
    Die $ <--- Formal way to stop the script althought you dont need to do this.
    Comments are started with # and are ended with $.
    An example of injecting a dll into starcraft is as follows
    MatchWin "SWarClass","Brood War" $
    Inject "ZynMaphack.dll" $
    Output "Zynastors maphack was succesfully injected!" $
    Pause 2000 $
    Die $
    Alertnatively you could do this
    MatchTitle "Brood War" $ Inject "Zynmaphack.dll" $ Ouput "Maphack injected" $ Die $
    And one more example for good measure. This uses comments and injects three dlls to two different process's.
    #Open up the process with the window with the class SWarClass $
    MatchClass "SWarClass" $
    #Inject zynastors maphack and 707's xanax $
    Inject "ZynMaphack.dll" $
    Inject "Xanax.dll" $
    #Hey, I want to inject a dll to Solitaire too $
    MatchTitle "Solitaire" $
    #Inject the solitaire hack $
    Inject "SuperSolitiare.dll" $
    #Tell them what happened and quit$
    Ouput "Zyn's maphack and solitaire hack injected!" $
    Pause 2000 $
    Die $
    **** you if you dont like my readme.
    Zyn - awesome
    permy - awesome
    p00 - amazing
    bulk - good head
    dt - cool site
    zyz - neat



  25. nAuto Loader

    This little addon will allow you to have all of your hacks automatically inject into starcraft. You can have hacks inject at startup and other inject after logging into battle.net
    How To Use:
    1. extract the zip file to your Starcraft folder (most commonly C:Program FilesStarcraft)
    2. open up the Plugins Folder
    3. Put all hacks that you want to be injected when you start starcraft in the subfolder "AutoLoad". These hacks would be ones that have lockdown bypass like Epicsauce for instance
    4. Put all hacks that you want to be injected after you log into battle.net in the subfolder "LoadAtBnet". These hacks would be ones that don't have a lockdown bypass.
    5. Startup starcraft and have fun :grin:



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