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Sgt. Snoo Snoo

 Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Sgt. Snoo Snoo

  1. Yeah.. about that.

    I've got nothing to complaiout, but I've also got nothing to praise. Place is almost just the same as it was before. You're still doing a good job, so you've got nothing to worry about.

  2. I poke in every now and then just to check on how the joint is doing. A lot of things have changed man, a lot of things have changed.

  3. great minds think alike.

    So go make my dinner.

  4. aizen has a serious god complex, and I hope someone shoots him in his brain.


  6. Welcome to Ghoztcraft!

    Congratulations on your V.I.P status!

  7. Naruto is a way of life, not an anime.

  8. dnt think im jking cuz im not u!!11!


  9. i am duh alpha and d omega

  10. omfg i m stil folowing u around!!11!11


  11. i m teh alphaz b D omegaz
