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 Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by ViperSRT3g

  1. O.o Welcome to Ghoztcraft! I Hope you enjoy you stay here!

  2. omg you bette rnot go and be annoying at this site trvor... This isn't ZeroGamers...

  3. Rofl kewl profile :D

  4. Spamming of the sort you have done is not tolerated in Ghoztcraft's Non-spam forum areas. Your warning level has been increased because of this. I hope you weren't simply spamming to get to your 5 post limit, but then again, you probably were.

  5. The winds of fortune have changed...

  6. wants his 300 cookies, or an equivalent thereof back >:/

  7. Well herro there.

  8. Well now I want to hear it.

  9. Well since your getting so much attention from the thread, here's another clue.... Night :D

  10. What are you doing back here Bren? O.o

  11. You're never online anymore :[

  12. ZOMG I actually caught you being ONLINE! :D
