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Files posted by Poply

  1. Oblivion

    Released: May 2nd, 2010
    - In-Game
    F5 Toggle lag defender on/off. (Removes lag box screen)
    F6 Toggle auto command repeat. (/fr command for faster repeat)
    F7 Carry out last build command on selected worker. (Useful for UMS)
    F8 Add/Remove unit for auto queue/upgrade.
    Ctrl + F8 Remove all units for auto queue/upgrade.
    F9 Toggle global auto queue on/off.
    Ctrl + F9 Toggle global auto upgrade on/off.
    Ctrl + F10 Toggle subunit auto queue on/off. (Carriers & Reavers)
    F12 Toggle five-state stat hack forwards.
    Ctrl + F12 Toggle five-state stat hack backwards.
    ~ / Alt Select all units of the same type that are currently selected. (Excludes workers)
    Ctrl + ~ / Alt Same as above but is used for workers and loaded transports/overlords.
    Delete Toggle in-game message log.
    Ctrl + Delete Change page for message log.
    Pause Pause/Resume game.
    Insert Toggle three-state maphack forwards.
    Ctrl + Insert Toggle three-state maphack backwards.
    Ctrl + LMC (Left Mouse Click on "Idle" text) Select idle worker.
    Shift Hold key when building to keep cursor set and ready to go again.
    - In-Game
    /kill Kill selected workers.
    /load Load selected units into transports/overlords.
    /m Display how much workers each player has mining minerals.
    /s Display the stack count of current selected. (How many stacked minerals, I wonder?)
    - In-Game + Lobby
    /mh [num] Set maphack state. (1=off, 2=lite, 3=full)
    /tclicks Toggle maphack target clicks on/off. (Default off)
    /reveal Toggle reveal invisible on/off. (Default on)
    /sh Toggle selection hack on/off.
    /fr Toggle faster repeat on/off.
    /apm Toggle show APM counter on/off.
    /automine Toggle worker auto mine on/off.
    /autogas Toggle auto mine gas on/off.
    /nukealert Toggle nuclear missile alert on/off.
    /autounally Toggle auto unally on/off. (Default off)
    /list Show a list of players. (Player id - Race | Slot id - IP)
    - Lobby
    /swap [id] [id] Swap one player with another. (Must be game host)
    - Channel
    /ff Toggle friend follow on/off.
    /ff [name] Enable friend follow and follow target player.
    /profile [name] View a players profile.
    /spoof [name] Spoof a custom name. (Supports color)
    /spoof [num] Spoof a saved name from list. (1 to 5)
    /sn [num] Save spoof name to list. (1 to 5)
    /dn [num] Delete spoof name from list. (1 to 5)
    /ln List saved spoof names.
    /rn Restore current spoof name to original name.
    /cn Display current spoof name.
    /ar Toggle auto respoof on/off. (Default on)
    - Global
    /wb Whisper back to last whispered person.
    Other features
    Host identifier for lobby. (Host has red download status) Auto refresher for hosted game. (Game is refreshed every 6 seconds) Slot unlocker for lobby. (Remove computer player(s). and go them yourself) Start a game without any opponents. Stay in game even after being defeated. Show map download status at all times. Save screenshots as bitmap's rather than PCX. In-game system and elapsed timers. Selection hack with mass select hotkey. (Select upto 252 units) Maphack with safe clicks and state hack. Name spoofer with temp ip ban protection. Ally alert with auto unally/unvision. Nuclear missile alert with map ping on nuke attempt. (Not launch) Rally point changer hack detection. (Alerts once) Ping ghost on 'Nuclear launch detected'. In-game message log that holds upto 32 messages. Chat logger for channel, lobby and in-game. Automatically re-queue units. (Auto queue) Automatically re-queue upgrades. (Auto upgrade) Automatically create a worker on map begin. Automatically mine minerals on map begin and on unit create. Automatically mine gas on refinery completion. Automatically gain lobby ops. (Host hack) Alliance menu player names are in ally status color. Color player name notifications. (Pause/Leave/Latency change) Lag screen box timer always set to 1 second. (Safe quick drop) On-screen map max counter. (Shows at 400 and under) On-screen worker idle detection. On-screen APM counter. Show enemy minimap pings. Minimap pings are in player color. (Yellow is unknown/default) Build anywhere on most terrain with lights off. Remove warning messages. (Unit unplaceable) Auto join home channel on battle.net login. Sprite crash protection. (Protects against invalid sprites) Subunit crash protection. Anti-hacker map fix. (Protection against EUD triggers) Alert and protection against astat flooding exploit. Protection against gamelist crash hack. Protection against lobby crash hack and alert. Auto-hide leaderboard when stats hack is on. Bypass anti-hack protection when connecting to battle.net.
    Name Spoofer Codes
    \B Blue.
    \G Green.
    \L Light Green.
    \D Dark Grey. (Later text cannot be changed)
    \W White.
    \R Red.
    \I Invisible/Black.
    \T Tab.
    \N New line.
    \C Center justify.
    \V Right justify.
    Version 4.0.6f
    - Fixed and improved lobby crash hack protection.
    Version 4.0.6e
    - Added protection against lobby crash hack and alert.
    Version 4.0.6d
    - Added protection against gamelist crash hack.
    Version 4.0.6c
    - Fixed Shift key feature for when building with Terran.
    Version 4.0.6b
    - Fixed a bug with APM counter.
    Version 4.0.6
    - Added Shift key feature for when building.
    - Added on-screen APM counter.
    - Added all players APM counter to stat hack.
    - Added stack counter command. ( /s )
    - Improved anti-hacker map fix. (Protection against EUD triggers)
    - Fixed load command to work with zerg overlord hero.
    707 - Helping convert and test.
    Palomino - Various source code.
    PizzaPan - From Game-Deception for PEB module hiding.



  2. Zerg Mineral Hack

    Zerg Mineral Hack v1.0.6
    MineralHack v1.0.6
    For Starcraft/Brood War 1.15.2
    Made by Zynastor ([email protected])
    - Zerg morph exploit with auto cancel
    Provides you with 514 minerals each time this exploit is used on a Larva, Hydralisk or Mutalisk,
    it may also have different effects on the game when used in UMS games.
    - Zerg mutate exploit
    Gives you back a drone when used on a Hatchery, Lair, Spire or Creep Colony, you will require
    514 minerals + morphing cost to use this exploit but you will gain some of it back when canceled.
    When used on Hatchery's and Lair's the larva becomes attached to the drone and anything else it
    mutates into which can be pretty handy for some people, this exploit may also have different
    effects on the game when used in UMS games.
    - Zerg morph exploit crash protection
    This will protect you from a crash that may occur when the morph exploit is used by you or anyone
    else in the game.
    - End : Use morph exploit on a selected Larva, Hydralisk or Mutalisk.
    - Ctrl+End : Use mutate exploit on a selected Hatchery, Lair, Spire or Sunken Colony.
    - Load after you have entered battle.net and before game play.
    - Not recommended for use in ladder games.
    Copyright © 2008 by Zynastor. All rights reserved.
    Starcraft/Brood War Copyright © by Blizzard Entertainment®.



  3. RA v3.3

    RA v3.3 by Rhin
    RA v3.3 by Rhin
    Run mergemodules.msi FIRST!!
    This software is provided AS IS, free of charge. The creator and/or distributor of said software is not liabel for any damages incurred via its use. By its use, you, the user, are responsible for any and all consequences. This software is intellectual property of its creator, Sean Houser (A.K.A. Rhin), and may not be used without the express consent of its owner.
    AutoAim - Automatically attacks targetted players
    Increases teleport speed up to 100%
    Quick open portal and fast back-to-town
    Removes the client delay between taking two portals
    Reveals automap
    Draws monsters and missles on the automap
    Draws vectors to level targets
    Auto-teleport to on screen vectors
    Automatically drinks mana potions when mana drops below set percent
    Automatically picks up items present in the Items.ini file
    Draws various info on the automap
    Anti-idle to prevent game drop
    Colors certain items, as well as changes item names to display sockets and ethereal flag
    Shows item levels
    Automatically parties with other players in a passworded game with no hostile players
    Logs all messages, in and out of game
    Allows right click to move an item on cursor to storage buffer on opposite side of screen
    Command line allows in game control
    Displays timestamp next to in-game messages
    Shows life and mana orbs at all times
    Blocks the window from minimizing
    Allows player to open stash from a distance to switch items, as well as deposit while in town
    Key Controls -
    Most key controls can be set in the RA.ini file
    Main Keyboard -
    5 - Opens portal
    6 - Quick back to town
    LCtrl - Moves through target menu
    LAlt - Attacks current target
    F9 - Opens stash
    F10 - Toggles AutoParty
    F11 - Toggles AutoManaPot
    F12 - Displays player stats
    Number Pad -
    1 - Sets kick to current attack side
    2 - Toggles anti-idle
    3 - Toggles item levels
    4 - Toggles PickIt
    7 - Teleports to NextLevel (Yellow) vector
    8 - Teleports to Quest (Purple) vector
    9 - Teleports to Waypoint (Green) vector
    / - Toggles block minimize
    * - Toggles vector arrows
    - - Toggles attack side (Left/Right)
    + - Exits game
    Type .help in game to get a list of commands
    For multi-tiered commands, such as the .pickit menu, type .pickit help to get a list of those commands. To set something in a multi-tiered menu, simply type:
    .<Top level menu> <Sub level menu> <Value>
    Ex: .pickit radius 25
    The targetting menu has a lot of data on it, the first of which is the player name, followed by their absorb and added max resistance, and then their life percentage. The stats go in order of <Player Name> <+Max Light / % Light> <+Max Cold / % Cold> <+Max Fire / % Fire> <Life>
    MyPlayer 25/10 15/0 15/0 97
    This player is named MyPlayer, has +25 max light resistance, +15 max cold resistance, +15 max fire resistance, 10% light absorb, and 97% life.
    Values for the target menu are based on the last update, which is the last time that player was in range. If you can see them on the automap, they are in range. The life will update instantly regardless of range only if you are partied with the player.
    Real Credits:
    Mousepad, because no one can really make anything without crediting him anymore.
    Nuttzy, I believe viewing another players inventory was originally his idea (No source for that).
    Abin, D2H2 contained the cooldown times for spells, which I included (Although fruitlessly, as they are never used). The collision map generation is also based on his, although I prefer to cycle rooms in the level, rather than recursively use the nearby rooms pointer.
    Zoid/Netter, I don't know who came up with the actual idea, I don't care. Netter, you cried about not being in the credits of "A lousy coder," so now you're in them. For the record, I still don't think this was your idea.



  4. (b-'.')b.dll

    A multihack that contains multicommand, statshack, nuke anywhere, host hack, and tons of other hacks.
    (b-'.')b.dll made by Nano351 and Jiggie =
    Starcraft BroodWar 1.15.2 =
    F5 - Toggle 3 State Maphack
    F12 - Toggle Leaderboard Statshack
    ~ - Toggle Multicommand
    Home - Select nuclear missile (mid air) for nuke anywhere.
    Pause/Break - Toggle game hang mode.
    Commands Lobby:
    /race # - Take over slot. Race changer.
    /race # Race - Force slot to change to selected race. Protoss, Zerg, or Terran.
    /race all Race - Force all slots to be selected race. Protoss, Zerg, or Terran.
    /start - Force game to start.
    /open # - Force slot to open.
    /open all - Force all slots to open. Except yours.
    /close # - Force slot to close.
    /close all - Force all slots to close. Except yours.
    /computer # - Force slot to be a computer.
    /computer all - Force all slots to computer-ize. Except yours.
    /player # - Force slot to be an invisible player.
    /player all - Force all slots to be invisible players. Except yours.
    /rescuable # - Force slot to be a rescuable player
    /rescuable all - Force all slots to be rescuable players. Except yours.
    /neutral # - Force Slot to be a neutral player. Except yours
    Show download status at all times.
    Lobby ops in lobby's.
    Start game without opponents.
    State hack (see units in transports/eggs)
    BMP screenshots.
    Able to set enemy rally points.
    Multicommand is Rally.dll compatible.
    Refresh fix with constant refresher.
    Warning messages no longer beep and are displayed in bottom center view.
    Show Selects.
    "error unit unplaceable" messages will no longer display
    Show Selects: (Jiggie)
    A nifty hack I made in an hour. It displays what all players are selecting at all times
    by showing a broken circle around the selected unit(s). The circle is coloured the
    same colour as the person selecting the units. So if blue is selecting his nexus, it
    is shown as a blue broken ring around blue's nexus. This took me awhile to make,
    so enjoy it.
    Lobby ops: (Nano351)
    This hack enables you to have host privillages in any game you join, even if your not
    the host. However, you are forbidden to open and close slots. You can only boot
    people from the game.
    BMP Screen's: (Nano351)
    Whenever you take a screenshot, it is taken in .bmp format rather then the nasty
    .pcx format that it's usually put in.
    Maphack: (Jiggie)
    This is an under construction hack (beta) and still has bugs. At the moment there is
    3 states. Light, full, and off. When in light, the normally black fog is only removed
    slightly, showing what's behind it, in a sort of 'misty' way. When in full you can see
    the entire map and all thats behind it. Nice.
    Nuke Anywhere: (Jiggie)
    Nuke anywhere lets you select the nuke and control it on free will. To use it, simply
    nuke a location, and while the nuke is flying away from it's silo, press the "Home"
    key. It will then select the nuke for you. Right click somewhere to move it. You are
    able to move it around in a 'free will' sort of way and your able to launch it at people
    by right clicking a unit. Also, to prevent some annoying key pressing, you could also
    hotkey your nuke with the ctrl+#'s.
    Game Hang: (Nano351)
    Game hang enables you to pause the game by creating lag. Although to the other
    players it would appear your lagging, you are undroppable. It's better to use this over
    the pause in starcraft because anybody could unpause the game with starcraft, but
    nobody but you can unpause the game with game hang. ^^
    Start Hack: (Nano351)
    Start hack forces the game to start no matter what. If somebody is downloading,
    start the game. If somebody is lagging, start the game. You could also use this to
    corrupt the game you join by typing /start while the count down timer is going.
    State Hack: (Nano351)
    State hack enables you to see what transports are holding and what are inside of
    larvae eggs owned by other players. Good with map hack. This is in beta, and is
    currently in development for buildings.
    Rally Hack: (Jiggie)
    Rally hack is a hack that lets you set the rally point of enemy structures that you
    dont normall own. Simple select the building and right click.
    Race Changer: (Nano351)
    Race Changer is a hack that lets you set other peoples races. This hack will only work if
    you are the true host of the game. See the lobby commands for how to use this feature.
    Slot Manipulator: (Nano351)
    Slot Manipulator is a hack that lets you change any slot into the lobby to what you want.
    This hack will only work if you are the true host of the game. You can change the slots to
    any of the following: Open, Closed, Computer, Invisible Player, Rescuable, Neutral. Check
    the lobby commands for how to use this feature.
    Always Show Download Stats: (Nano351)
    This feature is always on. It does exactly what its name implies. Everyones download stats
    will always be shown even at 0 and 100.
    no unplaceable unit messages: (Nano351)
    This feature will disable the annoying error messages that come up in massing maps.
    No error beep:(Jiggie)
    This feature disables the annoying beeps that come from error messages.
    Stats Hack: (Nano351)
    This is a 4 state maphack that draws up in the top left corner of your screen. It also
    turns off leaderboards while it is active and reenables them when unactive. The pages of
    the stat hack are:
    -page 1:
    -Page 2:
    -Supplies for all race types
    -Army Size
    -Page 3:
    MultiCommand: (Jiggie)
    MultiCommand is a hack that when enabled commands all of the units that are of the same type
    as the one that is currently selected. Very useful when trying to command a large mass of units
    into battle quickly.
    Start Game Without Opponents:
    This feature is always enabled and will allow you to start a game without any opponents. Can
    be very useful for someone who wants to test a map that they are working on



  5. Version Hack

    Makes version 1.12 compatible with all 1.11b hacks.
    VersionHack for Diablo 1.11b
    Makes Diablo II 1.11b working on closed Battle.Net!
    Copy all files into your 1.11b folder and start the included d2loader.exe which is modificated in order to work with the new Game.exe.
    Enjoy! You could even run the old d2jsp bot since Warden is turned off ;]
    - Sheppard
    P.S. The D2JSP HardCore forum is full off shit .. LOL!
    If you've already updated to 1.12:
    Download the original game.exe from here and overwrite the patched version in your Diablo II folder: http://ftp.blizzard.com/pub/diablo2exp/pat...PC/game-lod.zip
    Update to patch 1.11b here: http://ftp.blizzard.com/pub/diablo2exp/pat...DPatch_111b.exe
    Then overwrite the files included in VersionHack.zip to your Diablo II folder.
    Use the included D2 loader to start the game.



  6. Starcraft BWLowLatency Auto starter

    I got tired of having to boot starcraft, alt-tab, and then booting KloMeister's BWLowLatency program so I made this quick exe that boots up starcraft then BWLowLatency.
    It boots starcraft, waits 10 seconds, then boots up bwlowlatency.
    Put the given exe in your "Starcraft" folder and put "BWLowLatency.exe" in the same folder then boot.
    You'll have to remake your shortcuts.
    The names must be default.
    "BWLowLatency.exe" & "StarCraft.exe"



  7. Starcraft Spammer

    Send tons of messages in tons of different ways.



  8. Diablo 2 resolution hack

    changes d2 to 1280x1024 resolution



  9. Jay'dei

    Doesnt seem to work anymore. feel free to try it thought. spammer still works fine. maybe i'll fix it later.starcraft exe name spoofer with color, anti ban, 24 char length and a spammer.



  10. Annihilation X2 - 2006: Build 1202006

    annihiliation x2
    Originally Posted by Readme.txt
    Annihilation X2 Revision 7
    Changes: Released for v1.13f
    Powered by AMD Athlon 64 FX-60
    Programmed by AgentGOD & NickF
    Thanks to Zynastor for Command Engine
    Thanks to Drakken for Original Damned666 Macros
    F5 - Terran Mineral Hack
    F6 - Terran Supply Hack
    F7 - Zerg Mineral Hack (Patched as of v1.13e)
    F8 - Unit Crash
    F9 - Zerg Mineral Hack (Workng for v1.13f)
    F11 - Freeze Crash
    F12 - Lag Defender
    ~ - Full Functional MultiCommand
    Numpad 0 - Displays list for Terran Mineral Hack
    Numpad 1 to 5 - Sets the corresponding buildings
    /cancel - The Cancel tool for "Nydus Anywhere"
    /finger - Give them the middle finger :-)
    /jesus - "Jesus hates you." :-)
    /nazi - Swastika
    /naked - Boobies!
    /nuke - Fake "Nuclear Launch detected" message.
    /cheat - Fake "Cheat Enabled" message
    /bnet - Fake Battle.net Message
    __Nydus Anywhere___
    To use the nydus anywhere "hack", you must have a Zerg Hive. You build a Nydus canal anywhere.
    Now, hit enter, and type /cancel, but do NOT hit enter yet. Now, tell that nydus canal to nydus to anywhere, but select the nydus (the new one that is building),
    and hit enter. Now you should get a drone. Anything you send through the nydus will come out of the drone. If you tell the drone to build something, that will become it.
    If you kill the drone, or whatever, the next created unit will become the exit. If nothing gets created, and you send a unit through, Starcraft will crash.
    __Zerg Mineral Hack v1.13f (Developing for Protoss soon)__
    Select a drone, make sure you have sufficient mineral amount. Press and Hold F9. Hit the escape button when a cancel button appears.
    You will gain minerals.
    You may do this to a Creep Colony and Hatchery as well. You must press and hold F9, and Press the Lair button, and cancel, until it becomes a drone eventually.
    You should disable the MultiCommand in iNHALE. In this release, i've included a modified inhale.ini with MultiCommand disabled.
    Note: iNHALE is NOT compatible with v1.13f as of now, so do NOT use iNHALE.
    Compatible with: iNHALE DLL Loader (Recommended), and Damnation
    This release shows how blizzard is extremely SLOPPY at patching things. I feel like forcing them to create a new patch.
    Whats new in revision 2?
    -Added Damned666 Macros
    -Revised hacks for better effect (Revised code in "Rock Mineral Hack")
    Whats new in revision 3?
    -Fully Function MultiCommand
    Whats new in revision 4?
    -Faster Terran Mineral Hack (Thanks to Gamepoon for the suggestion.)
    Whats new in revision 5?
    -Released for patch v1.13f
    -Added Unit Suicide
    Whats new in revision 6?
    -Added Zerg Mineral Hack for v1.13f
    -Replaced F9
    Whats new in revision 7?
    -Added Terran Supply Hack (F6)
    Frequently Asked Questions:
    Q: How do you use the _____ hack?
    A: Try and error first, but I suggest you refer to the previous threads here, here and here, before posting questions that may have been answered already.
    Q: How do you download the hack?
    A: Click on the Link above and extract with WinRAR. Get WinRAR here.
    Q: But this Annihilation isn't good enough! I want the private version, can I have it?
    A: No, hence the name 'private'. Which thereby means you CANNOT have it.
    Q: I download it, but its a "RAR" file, I can't inject that, help?
    A: I've answered that question above. See the first question.
    Q: I've tryed everything above, but I still don't have any clue?
    A: Try this tool. If all-else fails, ask a question intelligently in this thread. If that fails, then I suggest opening Command Prompt, and type format c: /q and hit enter.



  11. Client Side Keylogger

    Client Side Keylogger
    This program will log all numbers, letters and spaces made from your computer when set. It makes itself invisible so your victim is unaware.
    You can set it, let your friend or foe log into his or her account then come back and open the program and see all that he or she has typed.
    I originally began making this for my own private use but decided that i might as well give it out for others to use.
    Made by Poply



  12. Resident Evil Resistance Hack

    How to use: - Login to the game and go to the main menu. - Run .exe and follow instructions. - View your new boosted characters! (this will actually save them on the RE servers) This will likely work until the anticipated update on April 14th. More features to come!



  13. Stack Hydra Macro

    Stack hydras on top of eachother.



  14. Hack Pack 2.1

    Hacking Break Record WHIT me !!!!!!!Thank Me plz if you can!!! if you like!



  15. Annihilation X2

    Originally Posted by Readme.txt<br />----------------------------------------<br />Annihilation X2 Revision 5<br />Changes: Released for v1.13f<br />----------------------------------------<br />Powered by AMD Athlon 64 FX-57<br /><br />Programmed by AgentGOD & NickF<br />Thanks to Zynastor for Command Engine<br />Thanks to Drakken for Original Damned666 Macros<br /><br />HotKeys:<br />F5 - Terran Mineral Hack<br />F6 - Supply Hack (Probably patched)<br />F7 - Zerg Mineral Hack (Probably patched)<br />F8 - Unit Crash<br />F9 - "Rock" Mineral Hack (For Zerg, Protoss and Terran)<br />F11 - Freeze Crash<br />F12 - Lag Defender<br />~ - Full Functional MultiCommand<br />Numpad 0 - Displays list for Terran Mineral Hack<br />Numpad 1 to 5 - Sets the corresponding buildings<br /><br />Commands:<br />/cancel - The Cancel tool for "Nydus Anywhere"<br />/finger - Give them the middle finger :-)<br />/jesus - "Jesus hates you." :-)<br />/nazi - Swastika<br />/naked - Boobies!<br />/nuke - Fake "Nuclear Launch detected" message.<br />/cheat - Fake "Cheat Enabled" message<br />/bnet - Fake Battle.net Message<br /><br />Note: To use the nydus anywhere "hack", you must have a Zerg Hive. You build a Nydus canal anywhere.<br />Now, hit enter, and type /cancel, but do NOT hit enter yet. Now, tell that nydus canal to nydus to anywhere, but select the nydus (the new one that is building),<br />and hit enter. Now you should get a drone. Anything you send through the nydus will come out of the drone. If you tell the drone to build something, that will become it.<br />If you kill the drone, or whatever, the next created unit will become the exit. If nothing gets created, and you send a unit through, Starcraft will crash.<br /><br />You should disable the MultiCommand in iNHALE. In this release, i've included a modified inhale.ini with MultiCommand disabled.<br />



  16. Damnation

    A Well Known Dll Injector.Please note that this is not a hack in itself. But this can be used to "inject" hacks into starcraft.



  17. Injector Tool

    With this little fancy application you can Inject and Deject dlls from any program.This allows you to inject libraries and what not, but only for the right thing. For example. You cant inject inhale into wacraft and expect it to work.



  18. 1337 starcraft MASS

    This file was downloaded at www.hcmfactor.comCreated by: The UntouchableI know this is a bad program, but I made it a while ago.



  19. No Rush Timer

    Use this to keep track of time in a no rush game. its an exe that runs in the backround, it sounds a "Five, Four..." when time is up.Enjoy guys.
    IMPORTANT: All files must stay together in order for the program to opperate properly.
    All alerts use sound files to comminicate. If you need to move the icon
    please use a shortcut. Dont move the actual files.
    To Use: Open this program before you load Scarcraft/Broodwar. Once your game starts
    and you have sent your first 5 workers to your minerals and your waiting for
    the next one to be build press and hold Alt+Tab. This will minimize Starcraft/
    Broodwar. Then simply type in the number of minutes that were set by the host
    as "No Rush" time and click start. Then just Alt+Tab again and your timer will
    be started and you will be back at the game screen.
    How to know when Time is Up: I wrote this program to alert the user when time is up by
    using audio (sounds). Once there is 5 seconds left before
    time is up a audio countdown will be activated that you
    are able to hear while still playing Starcraft/Broodwar.
    Additional versions will be made based on the demand for the program. On the next
    version you will not have to Alt+Tab at all. Functions will be made by the user while
    still on the Starcraft/Broodwar screen.


