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well I can say that I agree with you about what GC is all about. It's like I said before if they were that worried about their hacks being public then they wouldn't release them at all. I think that we keep the hacks up because people from BWH or whatever tell ghozt to take them off his site just because they don't like GC. But then every other site has them. So ghozt takes the hit for his members. I commend him for it. As you had mentioned in your post a lot of the hacks come from the members. We all try to share our files, (a safer limewire?) we as a community try to watch eachothers backs, and that is the way it should be.

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well I'm glad we can finally agree on something, and yes I think ghozt does deserve a comendation for putting up with the bullshit that comes his way. In an unrelated disagreeance, you have to expect to be hated a little bit.. you're new on the scene and the fact that no one here creates their own hacks doesn't really lead to instant credibility. I'm a hypocrite for saying that becuase I'm not helping matters any, so yes go ahead and flame me for saying so. The point I want to make is if ghozt takes off the hacks that get requested to be taken off, people will see that he respects their content and later give him permission to readd their hacks and maybe even include GC in their "sources to download". I believe that respect will earn GC some powerful friends.

Edited by forever_noob

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forever noob, lol your posts are hella long

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Bnetweb was hacked by ac ;)

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