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gene altering

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Scientists are able to control genes of eggs so that a baby can have certain traits like, blue eyes, tall, blond, etc.


Should we be allowed to do this, tamper with the creations of mother nature. Eventually they will be able to do such things as fix disabilities and birth defects. However, in doing so ppl will have a better chance of living to their full age. This will cause the population to increase, can we really afford that?


So, should we be aloud to change genes or not?

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I say they should be able to. Like i say with abortion, it's a woman's body and she has a right to do what she wants with it.

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I think it should be allowed, but not required or pressured upon.

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u know whats fucked up? rich ppl will be getten the good life. and poor ppl get pwnt... i saw some other shit where they make spare clones for ppl, then lets say u get a heart attack, ud have a perfect match for u.

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u know whats fucked up? rich ppl will be getten the good life. and poor ppl get pwnt... i saw some other shit where they make spare clones for ppl, then lets say u get a heart attack, ud have a perfect match for u.

still, wouldn't you like to be able to help a fraction of the people as opposed to none?

also, much later on it may be very easy and cheap so any one can do it.

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I doubt they would make spare clones for ppl, if they did those clones would have rights just like any other human and would have the right too choose.


indeed, it would be the rich ppl having the perfect babies, i guess in a sense it is survival of the fittest, would be interesting to see what happens if this route is taken.


It may be a women's body but the baby is not her body, however it is attached to her body.

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They'd make spare clones of organs, not full other people. And I think this should be researched. But I don't think it should be use for deciding which traits a child will have. I think it should only be used for getting rid of diseases and things like that. I think letting people pick which traits their child will have is going to eventually limit our gen pool and slowly degrade genetic variation... And if you know anything about genetic variation, it's something required to sustain a species of animals to prolong their existence.

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here here viper. However, humans have not yet learned from what they have viewed, the idea of a perfect society lingers in too many minds. Rich ppl will not want deformed kids.


Also, if variation is reduced does that mean it will eventually turn into the same thing as if everyone just started being incestuous? I know it sounds silly, but think, by altering genes you alter DNA, will everyones DNA be that similar that a incest like reaction will occur?


If they continue to research it then it will turn into a form of deciding your kids traits, its all about money, think how much ppl would spend to have a "perfect kid". Its sickening really.

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This gene splitting or mutations are also dangerous and can harm the foundations of the DNA of that individual.

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no doubt, but there are ppl who would still take the risk, pathetic really.


The only reason why i think this should be used is if doctors can tell that the baby will have birth defects, correct them so that the baby can at least survive after birth


Note, i did not say be perfect after birth, but be able to survive, as in, the child may still have a disease like terets (sp)

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Some might say we dont have many options left, there is no such thing as "survival of the fittest"

Thats why as each year passes were becoming genetically more and more inferior to our grandparents, great grandparents, great great grandparents etc..


If it comes to a severe point, we wont have any choice, its either that or mechanical bodies


Nobody wants to giveup their mcdonalds and chocolate covered fudge chocolate with chocolate icing.

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