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Status Updates posted by XGhozt

  1. Welcome to VIP, thanks for the donation!

  2. happy birthday? ..again lol

  3. Who are you, why did you randomly add me? xD

  4. Happy Birthday! :D

  5. Happy Birthday!

  6. happy birthday!

  7. Happy Birthday!! again lol

  8. hppy bifday dood


  10. Cripp! get on aim! or something..

  11. All set dude, Welcome to VIP!

  12. Don't post about the toury please, not yet. Sorry.. We'll figure it out, don't worry.

  13. Fixed the weird characters

  14. Welcome to VIP.

  15. You need to add the description for each patch, google it or something..

  16. msg me asap, need to talk to you

  17. rapidshare deleted all those files, I just got a reply! :D

  18. It's your birthday?

  19. happy birfday, again

  20. Can you start approving the world news topics rather than just posting on an unapproved one? LOL

  21. Welcome to VIP - eCheck just cleared.

  22. When you get a chance, message me, there's work to be done. :P
